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Because they didn't want others to know what they were thinking or doing.

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Q: Why would the know-nothing party answer I know nothing when asked about their organization?
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What was the KnowNothing party and what was its point of view about immigrants?

A growing fear of immigrants & catholics

What led to the formation of the Know Nothing Party?

The Know-Nothing Party was officially known as the American Party. The were anti-immigration and anti-Catholic. They were called the Know-Nothings because they kept their organization semi-secret and when they were asked about it they would say, 'I know nothing.'

The know-nothing's organized to form the?

American Party in the mid-19th century. It was a political party that supported nativism and opposed immigration, particularly from Catholic countries. The party's members were sworn to secrecy, claiming to "know nothing" when asked about their organization.

What issue prompted the creation of the Know Nothings and other similar groups?

The origin of the "Know Nothing" term was in the semi-secret organization of the party, the Know Nothings. When a member was asked about its activities, he was supposed to reply, "I know nothing"

What questions can be asked on a freshers party?

Questions that can be asked to people at a Fresher's party are typically ice breaker questions like where you are from, and why you are interested in the organization hold the party. Depending on the partyâ??s atmosphere the questions may be more personal or funny.

What is another name for the Republican Party?

The American Party was also known as by the nickname "Know Nothing Party". The nickname came about due to members secrecy in confirming membership in the party. When asked if they belonged, they were instructed to answer, "I know nothing. "

Who leads a states party organization?

A state chairperson leads a state party organization.

Who leads the a state party organization?

A state chairperson leads a state party organization.

Who leads the state party organization?

A state chairperson leads a state party organization.

What are the 3 levels of political party organization?

Party in government (PO) Party in electorate (PIE) Party in organization (PIG)

What is missing from this sentence 'are you going to the party 'she asked?

To go. Are you going to go to the party' She asked

What is the smallest unit of the party organization?

A citizen, who voluntary self-identifies as a party member, functions as the smallest unit of the party organization.