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First of all, the number of the tablets are unimportant. "The Twelve Tablets" refer to the corps of Roman laws that were enacted. It could have been Six Tablets or Sixty Tablets, it just happened that the Roman laws fit on Twelve. The important thing about them is that they were written down and everyone could see what was legal and what their rights were. Previous to this, justice was dispensed according to tradition and that tradition could and often was interpreted to favor the wealthy.

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They followed a demand by the plebeian council for written and displayed laws. Prior to this they were secret and known only to the priesthood and the senate. This could allow arbitrary actions by the powerful. The plebeian wanted clear rules and access to them. In particular, they wanted rules which would offer some protection for debt defaulters

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It was important to have a written law code so everyone knew what was legal, what their rights were, what they could and could not do. A written set of laws also removes the possibility of someone in authority abusing the normal customs of daily life for the purpose of self gain.

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Q: Why would the Roman Twelve Tablets be written down and publicly displayed?
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What people inscribed their first written law code onto twelve stone tablets?

what society inscribed their first written law code onto twelve stone tablets ?

Which ancient civilization established the twelve tables?

The Law of the Twelve Tables was the basis for Roman Republic law.

This group inscribed their first written law code onto twelve tablets in 451 BC.?


Where were the Roman Twelve Tables displayed?

they were displayed in the Roman Forum (market place)

What were ancient roman laws written on?

Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.Papyrus was the paper of the times, so the Roman laws would be written on it. However if you are referring to the Twelve Tables, there is a disagreement as to exactly what they were written on. Some sources say they were written on ivory tablets and others say they were written on bronze tablets. We don't know for certain because the originals were destroyed when the Gauls sacked Rome and any existing list would be a copy of the original.

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Which statements describe the Twelve Tables?

-The Twelve Tables spelled out the Roman code of laws. -The Twelve Tables were written down. -The Twelve Tables were displayed publicly. -The Twelve Tables protected all citizens, including the plebeians.

How was the twelve tables of roman published?

They were inscribed on bronze tablets and displayed at the Roman forum

What were the laws called written on bronze tablets?

The laws written on bronze tablets were called the Twelve Tablets.

Roman civil law was written down on?

The earliest written Roman civil law was written on twelve tablets.

What is the fist written law of Rome?

The first published law in Rome was the Law of the Twelve tables of 451 and 450 BC. ten tablets were complied in 451 BC and the remaining two in 450 BC. They were written on bronze tablets and displayed at the forum.

What is the significance of the twelve tables in roman law?

its another early example of written "laws" or codes of behavior being displayed publicly for all who could read them (like Hammurabi's code)

What is the significance of the twelve tables in law?

its another early example of written "laws" or codes of behavior being displayed publicly for all who could read them (like Hammurabi's code)

What is the significance of the twelve tables of roman law?

its another early example of written "laws" or codes of behavior being displayed publicly for all who could read them (like Hammurabi's code)

What people inscribed their first written law code onto twelve stone tablets?

what society inscribed their first written law code onto twelve stone tablets ?

What is Rome's Constitution that was hung in the marketplace called?

It was the Law of the Twelve Tables. It was inscribed on twelve bronze tablets which were displayed at the Roman forum, which was a civic centre, not a market place.

The first written law of rome was called the?

The first written law of Rome was called the Twelve Tables. These laws were written on bronze tablets and displayed in the Roman Forum around 450 BC. The Twelve Tables covered a range of civil matters and played a significant role in shaping Roman society and legal system.

Why did the Romans display the law of twelve tables in a public place?

The twelve tablets were Rome's first set of published laws. They were supposed to be displayed at the forum. They were meant to let anyone know what the rules were.