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He named it the bloody massacre because he wanted to convince his readers that the British were merciless and evil, and by calling it the bloody massacre, it seems like the colonists were innocent and hopeless.

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to make the rest of the colony mad at the british soldiers so they would rebell against them

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Q: Why would paul revere engrave the Boston massacre?
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Did Paul Revere make a picture of the Boston massacre?

Samuel Adams convinced Paul Revere to make a picture of the Boston Massacre. It wasn't accurate, but Samuel Adams wanted to use what happened in the Boston Massacre to make Colonists even angrier with the British. The Boston Massacre shows how things can get out of hand, especially when bad feelings already exist between people

Who would have most likely referred to the events of March 5 1770 as the Boston Massacre?

Which person would have been most likely to refer to the events of the Boston massacre?

Why was the Boston massacre called a 'massacre'?

The Boston massacre was when the colonist were calling the red coats lobster backs and the Commander there said do not fire their guns but the did not hear it right so there was a killing of 5 people that day. That is why it is called the Boston massacre. Three civilians were shot and killed and a day later two more people were killed by a stabbing not a shooting.

What were Paul Revere's accomplishments?

Paul Revere made propaganda against the British after the Boston Massacre. He was a blacksmith and in his engraving, he made the British look like murderers that were shooting defenseless colonists. This made more colonists turn against the British. Paul Revere was also given the job to warn the colonies when the British were coming. He would ring the church bell twice if they were coming by water, and once if they were coming by land. He had to give this message to all of the colonies.

What would a drawing of the Boston Massacre look like?

A picture of the Boston massacre would have an angry mob of American colonists protesting against british soldiers. Some colonists would be dead due to the soldiers firing at the crowd.

Related questions

Did Paul Revere make a picture of the Boston massacre?

Samuel Adams convinced Paul Revere to make a picture of the Boston Massacre. It wasn't accurate, but Samuel Adams wanted to use what happened in the Boston Massacre to make Colonists even angrier with the British. The Boston Massacre shows how things can get out of hand, especially when bad feelings already exist between people

What influenced Paul Revere's work?

His picture of the Boston Massacre was a propaganda to try to make the Patriots look innocent, although they weren't. The Patriots started the Boston Massacre by harassing some British guards and more people from both sides gathered. Paul Revere drew his picture of the massacre to make it look like the British started the massacre so people would think that British were overpowering the Patriots. The Patriots were drawn looking worn out, tired, and wounded. So, in all, the Boston Massacre influenced one of Paul Revere's pieces of work. I hope this helped. Sorry if it didn't.

Why would the Boston massacre be considered yellow journalism?

The story that was told by colonist was a total lie and was propaganda. Revere's etching is propaganda trying to shape public opinion. This makes it yellow journalism.

Who would have most likely referred to the events of March 5 1770 as the Boston Massacre?

Which person would have been most likely to refer to the events of the Boston massacre?

What colony did Paul Revere represent?

Paul Revere lived in Boston so he would have represented Massachusetts.

Why was the Boston massacre called a 'massacre'?

The Boston massacre was when the colonist were calling the red coats lobster backs and the Commander there said do not fire their guns but the did not hear it right so there was a killing of 5 people that day. That is why it is called the Boston massacre. Three civilians were shot and killed and a day later two more people were killed by a stabbing not a shooting.

Can you make a video on the Boston Massacre on the Mac computer with no sound needed in the video that must prove whether the Boston massacre was a massacre or a propaganda?

Yes, you can make a video on any subject without sound, but to make a convincing video about whether or not the Boston Massacre was a massacre or propaganda would take a lot of research into the Boston Massacre that supports your thesis about which it was. Also, you might consider adding sound, since it would make the video much more interesting than writing words on the video that people would have to read.

Would you give an opinion regarding the Boston Massacre?

It was pretty KILLER!

What were Paul Revere's accomplishments?

Paul Revere made propaganda against the British after the Boston Massacre. He was a blacksmith and in his engraving, he made the British look like murderers that were shooting defenseless colonists. This made more colonists turn against the British. Paul Revere was also given the job to warn the colonies when the British were coming. He would ring the church bell twice if they were coming by water, and once if they were coming by land. He had to give this message to all of the colonies.

What did Paul Revere do to fight against British rule?

When Paul Revere first began selling his color prints of "The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street" in Boston, he was doing what any like-minded patriot with his talents in 1770 would have done. Only, Paul Revere did it faster and more expeditiously than anyone else, including two other artist-engravers who also issued prints of the Massacre that year.

What would a drawing of the Boston Massacre look like?

A picture of the Boston massacre would have an angry mob of American colonists protesting against british soldiers. Some colonists would be dead due to the soldiers firing at the crowd.

Who defend the British from the Boston massacre?

no one did. The boston Massacre happened in new England not in England. Now if you asked who stopped the British soldiers from massacring british citizens living in north america at the time the answer would be no one. They fired into a crowd.