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Q: Why would Jefferson who was a strict constructionist regarding the constitution support the purchase of Louisiana when buying of such lands by the united states is not mentioned in the constitution?
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Why did Jefferson dislike the national bank?

Granting Congress any power not explicitly granted by the Constitution will remove all limits on its power other than what Congress itself believes to be the good of the nation.Jefferson was a strict constructionist. He believed that the congress could exercise no power not specifically and explicitly mentioned in the constitution. Since the constitution nowhere mentions a bank he believed any law establishing a bank to be unconstitutional.Michael MontagneAs Secretary of State in Washington's administration Jefferson could not "veto" the National Bank. He argued against it, and debated Alexander Hamilton about its constitutionality, but he was in no position to veto anything.He was, as stated a strict constitutionalist, but later during his own administration he will be forced to recant this strict position when he must make the decision to buy the Louisiana Territory.

Was Jefferson and the US justified in purchasing Louisiana?

From the French side, it was justified without question. Napoleon, First Consul of France, sold the territory to the United States because France needed the funds to continue its wars in Europe. The funds arrived, so the transaction went as planned. From the US side, there was some debate as to whether the President had the right to purchase land, as such a possibility was not explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution. Strict Constructionists, among which US President Jefferson had consistently counted himself, held that if a specific occurrence is not envisioned by the US Constitution, it could not be enacted. Conversely, Loose Constructionists held that some terms in the Constitution could be reinterpreted to fit unforeseen scenarios as long as the intent was preserved. Jefferson controversially chose to use a loose constructionist reading of the provision allowing him to make treaties with foreign powers in order to buy the Louisiana Purchase.

How did the views of Jefferson and Hamilton differ in relation to the Constitutionality of banks?

In general, the views of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on the application of the Constitution were quite different. In The Bank Debate, the Constitutionality of banks were argued. Jefferson believed in Strict Construction, meaning that if the Constitution didn't directly say something, then they couldn't do it, such as banks, which were not included in the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, believed in Loose Construction, which meant that if the Constitution doesn't say they can't do something, they can. So to Hamilton, banks were Constitutional because they weren't mentioned in the Constitution; for Jefferson banks were unconstitutional for the same reason.

What is mentioned by both the constitution and its amendments?

the political parties was mentioned

Did Framers of the Constitution clearly established political parties?

Absolutely not. Parties are not even mentioned in the Constitution. Parties were a result of differing political views, though not mentioned in the constitution, they are not banned either.

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the accomplishment that he was the third president

Why did Jefferson dislike the national bank?

Granting Congress any power not explicitly granted by the Constitution will remove all limits on its power other than what Congress itself believes to be the good of the nation.Jefferson was a strict constructionist. He believed that the congress could exercise no power not specifically and explicitly mentioned in the constitution. Since the constitution nowhere mentions a bank he believed any law establishing a bank to be unconstitutional.Michael MontagneAs Secretary of State in Washington's administration Jefferson could not "veto" the National Bank. He argued against it, and debated Alexander Hamilton about its constitutionality, but he was in no position to veto anything.He was, as stated a strict constitutionalist, but later during his own administration he will be forced to recant this strict position when he must make the decision to buy the Louisiana Territory.

Was Jefferson and the US justified in purchasing Louisiana?

From the French side, it was justified without question. Napoleon, First Consul of France, sold the territory to the United States because France needed the funds to continue its wars in Europe. The funds arrived, so the transaction went as planned. From the US side, there was some debate as to whether the President had the right to purchase land, as such a possibility was not explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution. Strict Constructionists, among which US President Jefferson had consistently counted himself, held that if a specific occurrence is not envisioned by the US Constitution, it could not be enacted. Conversely, Loose Constructionists held that some terms in the Constitution could be reinterpreted to fit unforeseen scenarios as long as the intent was preserved. Jefferson controversially chose to use a loose constructionist reading of the provision allowing him to make treaties with foreign powers in order to buy the Louisiana Purchase.

How did the views of Jefferson and Hamilton differ in relation to the Constitutionality of banks?

In general, the views of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on the application of the Constitution were quite different. In The Bank Debate, the Constitutionality of banks were argued. Jefferson believed in Strict Construction, meaning that if the Constitution didn't directly say something, then they couldn't do it, such as banks, which were not included in the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, believed in Loose Construction, which meant that if the Constitution doesn't say they can't do something, they can. So to Hamilton, banks were Constitutional because they weren't mentioned in the Constitution; for Jefferson banks were unconstitutional for the same reason.

What level of government is not mentioned in the Constitution?

City governments are not mentioned in the Constitution.

What part of the federal government is not mentioned by the Constitution but by custom has affected impact of the Constitution?

what part of the federal government is not mentioned in the constitution

What were major contributions that Thomas Jefferson did?

Jefferson's vision of a tiny government ultimately failed at the end of the day, but I would say that his greatest contribution to the nation was his general spirit of bipartisanship. Jefferson's particular pet peeve was the idea of "implied powers," or the ability of the government to do anything not mentioned in the Constitution. I would say that his greatest contribution to the nation was something that was against everything he stood for, the Louisiana Purchase. The Constitution says absolutely nothing about buying land, but Jefferson knew that it was in the best interest of the nation to buy the Louisiana Territory from the French because the Mississippi River was a vital passageway. Jefferson's bipartisanship in this matter is an example that all politicians should learn from, especially in these divisive times.

What part of the federal government is not mentioned in the constitution but by customs has affected the impact of the constitution?

The Cabinet.

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what part of the federal government is not mentioned in the constitution but by customs has affected the impact of the constitution

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the word "privacy" is not actually mentioned in the Constitution

What is mentioned by both the constitution and its amendments?

the political parties was mentioned

Are Political parties established by the Constitution?

No, the party system is not mentioned in the Constitution.