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When Germany invaded and took a piece of Poland they didn't fear the United States or European actions because they thought they were superior to the U.S. and Europe. Poland was invaded by Adolf Hitler.

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8mo ago

Germany invaded and took a piece of Poland in 1939 because they believed that the US and Europe would not take military action to stop them. At the time, many countries were still recovering from the effects of World War I and were reluctant to engage in another conflict. Additionally, Germany had signed non-aggression pacts with other major powers such as the Soviet Union, further reducing the likelihood of international intervention.

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Levi Ruegas

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8mo ago

Because they thought they were superior to the u.s and Europe

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Q: Why when Germany invaded and took a piece of Poland they didn't fear the us and European actions?
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Germany during ww2, Sweden in 1655In World War 2 Poland was invaded by Germany.

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Nazi Germany and the USSR invaded Poland in 1939.