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They weren't classed as Roman Citizens and thus didn't have equal privileges as those who were [men]. Men had the overruling power and could grant some of that to their wives for example, but it did not match to theirs.

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Q: Why weren't slaves and women allowed to vote?
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When were women in Greece allowed to vote?

They Werent

Were women aloud to vote in 1948?

no women werent aloud to vote

What 2 groups not allowed to vote in the house of burgesses?

Women and slaves

How were women slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

How were women and slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

Who wasn't allowed to vote back in the old days?

Women and slaves were not allowed to vote "back in the old days." Only men were allowed to vote because they were "more important." The women stayed at home and helped take care of the kids, and cook the dinner.

What year were black women allowed to vote in the U.S.?

Blacks were given the right to vote in 1870, but women were not given the right to vote until 1920. So 1920 is the first time a black woman would have been allowed to voteYou make it sound just black women werent allowed to vote until 1920, not entirely correct; ALL WOMEN of every race were NOT allowed to vote until 1920 thanks to the Suffragettes.(2x+1)+(3x-5)+4

What half of population was not allowed to vote in greek?

Women and non-citizens were not allowed to vote in ancient Greece. This meant that approximately half of the population, mainly women and slaves, did not have the right to participate in the democratic process.

Were Spartan women able to vote?

Yes they were allowed to vote the atheain women were not allowed to vote.

Who could vote in athens?

woman,slaves and immagrantys were not allowed to vote in ancient Athens

were women allowed to vote in the roman empire?

No women were allowed to "vote" in the Roman Empire

What is the Athenian polis?

The Athenian polis means the city of Athens. It also means the males that were allowed to vote. Women and slaves were not allowed any rights.