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They had guns compared to spears, horses, and wore armor.

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Q: Why were the spanish able to conquer the natives?
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How did disease help the Spanish conquer natives?

Diseases from Europe that the Spanish were immune to affected and weakened the natives.

The Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Native populations as a result of what advantages?

Disease killed over 90% of the natives, they had horses and gunpowder, and finally the atomic bomb killed everyone else.

Why were the Spanish able to defeat the native peoples of America?

The Spanish, armed with swords, horses, shields, guns, and protective gear, were able to conquer the Americas because they Indians did not have the weapons that the Spanish had. The Indians only had spears and bows and arrows.

What factors helped the Spanish conquer the Aztec Empire?

Cortes made allies with the aztec enemies, as well the spanish spread disease to the natives which made them weaker

What factors helped the spanish conquer the Aztecs Empire?

Cortes made allies with the aztec enemies, as well the spanish spread disease to the natives which made them weaker

What factor help the Spanish conquer the Aztec empire?

Cortes made allies with the aztec enemies, as well the spanish spread disease to the natives which made them weaker

Why were the spanish able to conquer the empires in the Americas?

The Spanish, armed with swords, horses, shields, guns, and protective gear, were able to conquer the Americas because they Indians did not have the weapons that the Spanish had. The Indians only had spears and bows and arrows.

Why were the Spanish able to conquer the Americans?

The Spanish, and in fact all Europeans, had much better military technology than the natives.because they had guns and weapons to conquer !

Why were the Spanish able to conquer the incas and the Aztecs?

They brought European diseases with them.

Why were spanish able to conquer native Americans?

The Spanish, and in fact all Europeans, had much better military technology than the natives.because they had guns and weapons to conquer !

Cortes army was able to conquer the Aztecs because?

because the Spanish had better weapons

Why did the Spanish quickly and easily conquer Latin America?

The Spanish had an advantage in using horses, cannons and guns against the native tribes. Not only were these more effective in war, but since the natives had never seen anything like these weapons, manage to significantly frighten the natives. However, the biggest reason is disease. The Spanish brought smallpox over to a population with no immunity and was sufficiently weakened or eliminated for the Spanish to conquer. This is the reason that the Spanish began importing slaves from Africa to work plantations, because the native populations had been virtually wiped out.