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The Native American presence within the region of Jamestown was comprised mostly of the

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Q: Why were the settlers in Jamestown not particularly well suited for life in the new colony?
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Why were the settler in Jamestown not particularly suited for life in the new colony?

The Native American presence within the region of Jamestown was comprised mostly of the

What was A major change occurred in Jamestown as settlers decided their best opportunity?

The settlers decided to grow tobacco as a cash crop, since it was suited to the soils of the Virginia region.

What was a major change that occurred in Jamestown as settlers decided their best opportunity?

The settlers decided to grow tobacco as a cash crop, since it was suited to the soils of the Virginia region.

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It can grow anywhere China, Michigan, Asia. The climate is not particularly suited for it, but it could be done.

The reason why Jamestown was a bad place to build a colony?

because Jamestown was near the Indian and they did not get along other reason is most of the water was not fresh so they had to drink polluted water other reason is when its winter people get sick and they had no medicine and no food because they did not know that