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Q: Why were the puritans who settled Boston better able to survive their first winter than the pilgrims had been?
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Who was the leader of settled Boston?

John Winthrop was the leader of the people who were settling in Boston. The group of people who settled in Boston were called the Puritans.

Where did the pilgrims plan to settle?

Puritans: settled in Massachusetts, Cape Cod (Plymouth, New England, Boston, Salem Etc.)

Who was the leader of the puritans and who settled Boston?

John Winthrop

Who was the leader settling Boston?

John Winthrop was the leader of the people who were settling in Boston. The group of people who settled in Boston were called the Puritans.

How did puritans find Massachusetts?

The Puritans found Massachusetts in 1620 when a group of Pilgrims seeking religious freedom arrived on the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth. In 1630, a larger group of Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony, leading to the establishment of Boston and other towns in the region.

What is the Name of the group that settled in Boston?

the group was called Puritans

This person was a leader of the group of puritans who settled Boston. who was it?

anne hutchinson

Where did puritans settle?

Puritans: settled in Massachusetts, Cape Cod (Plymouth, New England, Boston, Salem Etc.)

What was the city that became the center for the Puritan settlement?


Who founded the Massachusetts colony and when did heshethey founded it?

The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth in 1621 and the Puritans landed in Boston in 1630.

When did the puritans settled there?

They landed on Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. They landed there in 1620. Actually more correctly they just landed in Mass. Plymouth Rock was the stone they engraved the year on. They actually didn't land on an inland rock.

Who settled Boston?

The Puritans are the ones that began the settlement in the area that would become Boston. They purchased the land from an English settler named William Blaxton.