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Yes, the planet Mercury was named after the god Mercury. Mercury's other names are Thoth and Hermes (pronounced Her-meez).
it wasn't named after a god it was named after a messenger when he found the planet in the sky so he named it mercury.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The planets are named after the Roman counterparts of the Greek gods.

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Which god was the planet of Mercury named after?

The planet Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury, who was also the god of communication, commerce, and travel.

What is Mercury named after?

Mercury was named after Hermes, the Roman god of travel.

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It was named after the Roman god Mercury.

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The Roman god Mercury.

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Mercury is named after the ROMAN god Mercurius (Mercury).

Which god was Mercury named after?

Mercury is the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes.

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Mercury was a Roman god.

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Mercury was named after Hermes, the Roman god of travel.

When was Mercury named after the Roman god?

The Romans named the planet Mercury in ancient times, and later Europeans adopted it. The messenger god Mercury was the Roman form of the earlier Greek god Hermes.

What was Mercury named after?

the roman god Mercuries

On which god the planet Mercury named?

Mercury was a messenger and god of trade in Roman mythology.

Why was Mercury named after the roman god?

Mercury was named after the Roman god because he was the god of travel, communication, and messenger of the gods - qualities that were associated with the fast-moving planet in the sky. Additionally, the planet's swift orbit around the sun was believed to be symbolic of Mercury's speed and agility.