From a secular perspective, the empires that conquered the Israelites (Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonian Greeks, and Romans) were significantly larger than Israel and could mobilize much larger militaries than whatever the Israelites could bring to bear. From a religious perspective, the Israelites were defeated because they stopped praying to God and, therefore, God withdrew his protection from the people.
Because they had slipped below the high spiritual standard that God expected of them (2 Kings ch.17).See also:
That's a foolish question. The Israelite nation was never numerous, warlike,
or physically strong. The REAL question is: How were the Israelites EVER
strong enough to prevail in battle, to avoid being conquered from outside,
or to remain independent. THAT's the smart question.
The Torah and Tanakh narrate the answer repeatedly, and the strong case can be
made that the answer is the same until the present day: When the Jewish people
followed the commandments, and lived according to the standards of morality,
charity, unity, decency, and community that were required of them, God went
before them and fought for them. When they didn't, He didn't either, and they
were easily conquered.
According to the Torah, the ancient Israelites conquered the Canaanites, but there is no mention of genocide. Some modern scholars theorize that there was no battle because the ancient Israelites WERE the Canaanites.
Chandragupta Maurya were the ones who captured them.
None. Jerusalem was a city built originally by Proto-Canaanites and developed by the Jebusites before the Israelites conquered the city and made it their capital.
A Hittite is a son of Het which means terror. Basically Hittites = sons of terror (or fear)
Kerma was wealthy when Egypt was weak, they were able to conquer and expand into southern Egypt. How are the histories of Napata and Meroe tied to Egypt? Napata conquered Egypt at a weak point. Napatan rule restored and preserved many old Egyptian ways.
babylon conquered and took many israelites
The three groups conquered by the Israelites were the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Girgashites, the Jebusites, and the Perizites.
They successively conquered and included them in their empires.
Ovadiah mentions Edom's overweening pride, his violence against the Israelites, and his rejoicing when the Israelites were conquered (Ovadiah ch.1).
They built homes for their families and pens for their flocks and herds, and then they planted fields of crops.
The Ten Lost Tribes of the Israelites.
The Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the First Temple. They exiled many Israelites to Babylon, known as the Babylonian Captivity or Babylonian exile, which lasted for about 70 years until the Persian Empire overthrew Babylon and allowed the Israelites to return to their homeland.
Chandragupta Maurya
Nebuchadnezzar II
The Byzantine Empire and the Sassanian Empire were so weak that the Islamic Rashidun Caliphate conquered 2/3 of the land of the former and completely conquered the latter.
The Ten Lost Tribes of the Israelites.
Greek culture was introduced to the Middle East by Alexander the Great when he conquered the Persian Empire.