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We didn't want to pay our taxes anymore.

Actually,the objection wasn't to being taxed, but to be taxed without a say: no taxation without representation!

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Q: Why were the colonists angry with Great Britain?
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American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

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American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

What made the colonies angry at the british government?

What made the colonists angry at Great Britain was all of the taxes, such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, and the Townshend Acts. "No taxation without representation!"

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Why are you angry with the sugar act in a colonists point of view?

In my opinion,Colonists would be overly excited to get pissed off because of Britain's childish acts. so I say SCREW YOU to Britain

Why were colonists angry with Great Britain?

We didn't want to pay our taxes anymore. Actually,the objection wasn't to being taxed, but to be taxed without a say: no taxation without representation!

How did the colonists respond to the Atamp Act and the Townshend Act?

The colonists were opposed to any tax imposed on them by Great Britain. In addition to voicing their opposition, the colonists also boycotted trade with Great Britain.

Why did the Proclamation of 1763 cause friction between great Britain and the colonies?

the proclamation of 1763 said that you couldn't settle in the west in North America but some of the colonists already had land in the east. So the colonists were really angry at Britain because they had already paid for that land and couldn't use it now.

What problems did the colonists have with great Britain?

that they had a strict trade.

Colonists who did not want independence from Great Britain?
