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trade possibilites.

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Q: Why were the colonies so important to European nations?
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Why was colonialism or the building of empires so important to European nations in the late 19th and 20th centuries?

Colonies provided raw materials.

Why was colonialism or the building of empires so important to European nations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

Colonies provided raw materials.

Why was colonialism or the building of empires so important to European nations in the late 19th and early 20th century?

Colonies provided raw materials.

Why were royal colonies important?

Colonies were so important to European nations b/c of trade possibilities. Also colonies supplied the raw materials that the ruling countries needed to produce goods in their factories back home. Also some colonies were important markets for manufactured goods.

Why was the defeat of spanish armada important to the other European nations?

It was so important to other nations because England is the main leader of Europe, it is the most well known!

What continent of the world was responsible for creating colonies for themselves in underdeveloped nations?

The majority of nations that were colonized were done so by European Nations. The UK and France stand out as the two countries that had colonized a huge portion of the developing world.

What is a colony why were they so important to the european nations?

Colonies were a source of power for a country. The general belief was the more land you controlled, the more powerful your nation seemed. Colonies also were a source of materials, from resources (coal, oil, metals, etc.) to labor.

Why were colonies considered so important to nations of Europe?

Europeans wanted colonies to gather riches through spices, natural resources, gold, and land. They wanted to expand their empire.

Why did so many European Nations acquire colonies in Africa between 1870-1914?

This practice of having colonies was called Imperialism and there were several reasons for it. This was durinbg the time of industrialization, when nations were building factories and mass-producing things. Colonies were a way to get cheap natural resources and cheap labor. They also created new markets for selling the things that the factories produced. More than just an econimic issue, colonies were a badge of status. The more colonies a nation had, the more powerful it was. It was basically a competition between the nations.

Why were the European nations able to divide Africa among themselves?

Because at the time European nations were so powerful they were able to do whatever they wanted.

Why do you think revolution swept so many African nations following their Independenc from European rule?

They wanted independence before WWII, but after the war, many European powers were weak and flooded in debt. African colonies used this to their advantage and many broke free from foreign control.

Who warned the European nations not to interfere in Western Hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine warned the European Nations not to interfere with the Western Hemisphere. The document, drawn up by Monroe himself, said that the U.S. was going to "watch" over the Latin American nations so that the European nations did not try to take them over.