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By and large the Jews were allowed to worship freely. Several Roman emperors issued laws which guaranteed their freedom of worship. The persecutions of the Christians were not applied to the Jews. However, the Emperor Hadrian did persecute Judaism. He wanted to rebuild Jerusalem as a Roman city and built some Roman temples. This sparked the Bar Kokhba revolt which lasted for nearly four years (135-36). It was eventually defeated and it was very costly for the Jews. Some 500,000 Jews died and 50 towns and 985 villages were destroyed. This and the sale of many survivors as slaves caused a depopulation of Judea. Hadrian decided to try to to root out Judaism, which he saw as seditious. He banned theTorah law and the Hebrew calendar, and executed Judaic scholars. The Jews were barred form Jerusalem and Judea was renamed as Syria Paleastina to try to erase any memory of Judea or Ancient Israel. Jerusalem became a Roman city and was renamed Aelia Capitolina. The Jews were barred from this city. The Jewish religious centre shifted to theBabylonian Jewish community. After Hadrian, the measures taken in Judea were regained until the reign of Constantine. However, elsewhere in the empire the Jews enjoyed freedom of warship.

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12y ago

The Jews, just as any other people under Roman rule, were allowed to worship freely as long as their religion did not preach treason, revolution or decadence. The Jewish religion did neither of these things. Yes, there were Jewish revolts, but this was not the doings of the religion, it was the doings of men.

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12y ago

the Romans believed in one god as the Jews did.

The Jewish agreed to live by Roman Rule

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