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Actually, in the early years of the twentieth century, the Zionist leader Herzl proposes that a temporary Jewish state be set up in British Uganda, from where they would one day launch an exodus to Palestine. Another proposal was that they be settled in a remote area of Australia. It seems that the territories of smaller nations were expendable.

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Q: Why were the Jewish people given Israel didn't it have people living there What would have happened if it was given New York for example would the people have been happy with a large group moving in?
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What was the population of 1952 of the Jewish immigrants had in Israel?

In three and a half years, the Jewish population of Israel, which was 650,000 at the state's founding, was more than doubled by an influx of about 688,000 immigrants.

What happened in the Palestinian war?

The Palestinian war happen when Israel population united around the globe decided to go back to their ancestors land which Palestinian were living.

What is the movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine known as?

Zionism was (and is) the movement to establish and preserve a Jewish homeland (this has been realized in the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel).It is the ideology that Jewish people should have their own state. The Land of Israel was promised to the Jewish people by God, according to the Bible. Jews lived in the Land of Israel from the time of Joshua until the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. Almost all Jews were exiled to other countries, known to Jews as the Diaspora. For centuries, Jews prayed for a return to Zion. In the nineteenth century, the Zionist movement, led by Theodor Herzl and Chaim Weizmann, encouraged Jews to turn the dream into reality, and lobbied the international community to understand that a "Jewish national home" was the only solution to anti-Semitism and the "Jewish problem."In 1947, the dream was realized when the UN voted to partition Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs. The Arabs immediately attacked the Jews and in the middle of the war, on May 14, 1948, the State of Israel declared its independence. Today, about half of the world's Jewry lives in Israel. Most Jews living in and out of Israel are supporters of Israel and the Zionist ideology, although a small percent believe only divine intervention should bring about a Jewish state.

Where did the maccabees come from?

The were Jews of a priestly family, living in Israel.

How are the living conditions of Israel people?

People in Israel are living like anyone else in the world. There are social services, health care programs, etc. Israel is not different from any other country they are just like people living in the USA and they have very good living conditions just like us. * doctors 80% * health care programs 34% * social services 78%

Related questions

What is the best in Israel?

Living a Jewish life is best in Israel.

Are the people of Israel Jews?

About 80% of people living in Israel are Jewish. The rest are mostly Christian and Muslim.

Are there more Jews living in New York than in Israel?

Yes, there are more Jews living in New York than in Israel. New York City is home to the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, with around 1.1 million Jews residing in the city. In comparison, Israel has a Jewish population of around 6.9 million.

How many people are Jewish in Asia?

It is estimated that there are approximately 30,000 Jewish people living in Asia. The Jewish population in Asia is small compared to other regions, with a majority residing in countries such as Israel and Iran.

What was the population of 1952 of the Jewish immigrants had in Israel?

In three and a half years, the Jewish population of Israel, which was 650,000 at the state's founding, was more than doubled by an influx of about 688,000 immigrants.

Has the Jewish identity survived?

The Orthodox Jewish answer is that Jewish identity continues to survive and thrive in the form of religious Jews and their Torah-observance.Others may stress Jewish pride, the State of Israel, or the very fact that there are Jews living today who identify themselves as such.

Why Jews cannot live in Israel?

The Jewish people are living very nicely in Israel, and will continue to do so. They have made their nation into a beautiful country. Their only problem is the surrounding Arab countries that are jealous of what Israel has become and want to destroy them.

What are Jews views of citizenship?

the israel legislation gives Jews and those of Jewish ancestry the right to migrate and settle in israel and gain citizenship. the law of return declares that israel constitutes a home, not only for the state, but also for all members of the Jewish people everywhere - "be they living in poverty and fear of prosecution or in affluence of safety".

How have the Palestinians responded to living in Israel?

The majority of Arabs who are Israeli citizens have recognized the fact that Israel has brought about a vast improvement in their standard of living. Here in the north of Israel, alongside the Jewish Israelis, we have Arab-Israeli shopkeepers and business-owners, Arab-Israeli teachers and students, lawyers and judges, transport and tourism-employees, etc. See also:Human rights in Israel

How do Jewish people normally commute?

Jewish people commute just like everyone else regardless of where they are living. They use cars, buses, subways, and other means of transportation whether they live in Israel or America.

If you were born in Israel does that make you a Jew?

Answer 1No. Being born in Israel makes you an Israeli. Being Jewish is an ethno-religious identity. Most Israelis are Jewish, but being born in Israel is not a criterion for being Jewish; conversion to Judaism or being born to a Jewish mother is.Answer 2You're Jewish if one of your parents are Jewish. According to many Orthodox synagogues, you're only considered Jewish if your mother was Jewish, since being Jewish traditionally comes from the mother. Many people forget that Jews are a race, not just a religion. If you're born in Israel, you're an Israeli, but not necessarily a Jew. Just like if you were born in India, for example. It doesn't make you Hindu.; it just makes you a native of India.Of course it all depends on your parents. If one of your parents are Jewish, you're considered half-Jewish ethnically, and if your mother was Jewish, many will recognize you as fully Jewish.Answer 3Answer 2 is wrong. You are Jewish only if your mother is Jewish - or if you convert to Judaism. And anyone is welcome to and able to convert if they wish to; Jews just don't seekconverts.If you are born in Israel, then your nationality is 'Israeli'. But around 25% of Israelis are not Jewish. There are Muslims, Christians, Druze, atheists, Bahais and various other faiths all living and worshiping freely in Israel.And just to add to the previous answer: even in Reform Judaism, if your father is Jewish but not your mother, you are only Jewish if you have been raised as a practicing Jew in a Jewish environment.Answer 4If you are born in Israel, you are an Israeli by nationality. You can also be considered an Israeli if you are an inhabitant of Israel, though not always legally. Those that are born in Israel are not however automatically Jewish. Those that are Jewish often decided to be Jewish, because Judaism is a religion, not a nationality or ethnicity, especially if you do not live in Israel. To be a Jew, you must be an adherent of Judaism, and not all born in Israel are.According to Jewish Law in Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish. Some strains of Reform Judaism accept patrilineal descent as a criterion for Jewishness, provided that the child has been raised as a practicing Jew. In those cases, this means that you are Jewish if either your father or your mother is Jewish. All strains of Judaism also accept converts.According to Israeli immigration law (the Law of Return), non-Israelis who move to Israel can obtain automatic citizenship if one grandparent is Jewish (as the Nazis identified Jews during the Holocaust).Being born in Israel doesn't automatically make you either Jewish or Israeli. Your status depends on your parents.

What is a person who lives in a Jewish homeland called?

It depends on the nature of their living there.Since there is only one Jewish homeland, Israel, the citizens of that country are called Israelis. Israeli Non-Jewish citizens often are termed by the mix of their minority term and Israeli, i.e. Arab-Israeli, Druze-Israeli, Circassian-Israeli, etc.If the person lives there, but is not a citizen of Israel, they are typically called by the nationality of their citizenship, i.e. a Russian Permanent Resident in Israel.