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Q: Why were the HUAC trials controversial?
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What do the Salem witch trials and the house of un American activities committee have in common?

Nothing. HUAC was not involved in the "witch hunt" McCarthy hearings (the ones compared the the Salem trials), which were performed by a different government committee.

What did huac do?

the question is what didn't the huac do

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What does HUAC stand for?

HUAC was the House Un-American Activities Committee.

What are three facts about HUAC?

The HUAC was used to find citizens in United States with Nazi ties. It was established in 1938 under the leadership of Martin Dies. The House Judiciary Committee was transferred the functions of HUAC on the abolishment of HUAC in 1975.

What was the house U-n American committees role in the course of events of the McCarthy Era?

The HUAC was in charge of all the trials and herrings during the McCarthy Era. They were the supreme power of all the accusations based on Communism.

What is a huac?

The HUAC is the House Committee on Un-American Activities. This is a committee found in the United States of America.

Who ran HUAC?


Who ran the HUAC?


What group of writes refused to answer the questions of huac?

The writers who refused to answer questions in front of the HUAC committee were known as the Hollywood Ten.

Which industry did HUAC launch its first major attack against?

The HUAC launched its first major attack against Hollywood.

What was the H.U.A.C.?

THE HUAC-- an overviewThe HUAC was the House Un-american Activties Committee, it was responsible for the destruction of all unamerican things.