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Because they had anime.

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Q: Why were the Europeans impressed with Japan?
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The Japanese were impressed.

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The Europeans were effectively banned from Japan with the passing of the Sakoku Edict in 1635 by Tokugawa Iemitsu.

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Who where the first europeans to visit japan?

The Portuguese. Portuguese traders to be exact.

What is true about the scramble for Asia?

in the "scramble" for Asia, Europeans had to deal with Japan.

How did the trade develop between japan and Europe in the 1500s?

It wasn't pure gangster and swag skill it was Japan converted to Christianity and the Europeans started to trade with Japan as a result of them landing on the Japanese islands

What did both China and Japan believe about Western imperialism?

Both China and Japan thought that the Europeans were treating them like they were inferior.

What did the Europeans want from India and China and Japan and Indonesia?

They wanted all of the good that they had.