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Q: Why were the Anabaptists persecuted during the Counter-Reformation?
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Did Catholics persecute Anabaptists during the Dark Ages?

No. The Anabaptists arose during the Reformation, in the 16th century. The Dark Age ended in the 11th century.

Who did the Catholics and Protestants consider to be dangerous radicals?

Anabaptists were part of the radical reform movement in 16th century Europe. Hutterites, Amish and Mennonites are direct descendants of the Anabaptists. They required baptismal candidates to make their own faith confessions, and as a result forbade the baptism of infants. They were persecuted by both the Roman Catholics and the Magisterial Protestants.

What does anabaptists mean?

Anabaptists were a group of Protestant Christians who believed in adult baptism rather than infant baptism, and they emphasized the separation of church and state. They faced persecution for their beliefs during the Reformation period.

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Into what two groups did the Christians split up into?

Into Catholic and Protestant, although there are some Christian groups such as the Mennonites who existed as spiritual descendants from earlier anabaptists who were not part of the Protestant Reformation. They existed before then, and were to a degree persecuted by the Protestants, particularly Luther.

When did Anabaptist start?

Most people accept that Anabaptists originated in the 16th century, during the Radical Reformation. However, some groups before the Anabaptists had the same principles. These groups include the Waldensians, the Brethren of the Common Life, Dutch Sacramentists, and the Hussites.

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What religions persecuted heretics during the Inquisition?

The Catholic religion.

What is anabaptism?

A man who chooses to be baptized as an adult

What has the author Edward Carey Pike written?

Edward Carey Pike has written: 'The story of the Anabaptists' -- subject(s): Anabaptists

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The Nazis persecuted the Jews During WWII

What do anabaptists do?

The thing Anabaptists were most known for was rebaptizing people. Most people of the era had been baptized as infants. Anabaptists taught that the decision to become a follower of Jesus was decision that only the person could make. When that decision was made, he or she is baptized again.