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Q: Why were states experiencing financial problems in the 1780s?
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Their states refused to settle war bonds

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The plural of 1780 is 1780s. As in "this took place during the 1780s".

In the 1780s was 4 the average family size?

Yes, during the 1780s, the average family size in the United States was around four individuals. Families tended to be larger due to higher birth rates and lower mortality rates compared to modern times.

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After the Constitutional Convention ended what struggles still faced the nation?

The convention was the result of a campaign to reform the first charter of government of the United States, the Articles of Confederation. Throughout the 1780s, politicians who thought in national terms worried that the Confederation faced problems its government was too weak to solve.

What decade was 1782 in?

1782 was in the 1780s.