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The porch was a nice place to sit and overlook the plantation and usually a view of the river.

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Q: Why were southern plantation porches so big?
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What two factors allowed southern plantation to be so productive?

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I would think that a slave works on a plantation so it would know what that is.

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"And in the porches of mine ears did pour the leprous distillment." So, yes.

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You have to buy it.... So you never "get" It!!

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What was George Washington plantation called?

Middle least I think so...I got it right on my history test <3 J.J.

Can you give me 2 reasons about why did slavery grew in the south and not in the north?

It grew in the south because the southern colonies grew more plantations with the hotter weather than the north. If you own a plantation you need people to work on it for you so they brought slaves to do that.