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If you are talking about the time and circumstances of the Protestant Reformation, the indulgences that were objected to were being sold by Pope Leo X to finance the rebuilding of St Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Martin Luthor objected to the sale because he didn't believe that the Epistle of James was truly the word of God and couldn't understand the doctrine of works outlined therein. He began preaching the doctrine of salvation by sola fide, "faith alone", and called Johann Tetzel's aggressive salesmanship the "purchase of salvation" instead of the good works of already baptized believers which how the Roman Catholics saw it.

Of course, that ignores the issues of free will vs tyrannical hierarchy which underlay the entire Reformation, as well as the politics of submission to Rome.

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Because it was wrong for the church to be lying to the people about God and The Bible

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Q: Why were some people horrified by the church practice of selling indulgence?
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What church practices made martin Luther defy church authorities completely?

A:Martin Luther did not at first seek to defy the Church, but rather to reform it. The Church's intransigence on matters he considered important eventually resulted in his defiance of church authorities. The most important concerns were the practice of buying and selling bishoprics and the practice of selling indulgences, both of which are regarded as simony.

What were the three main abuses that most distressed church reformers?

1. using the practice of laying investiture 2. bishops selling positions in the church-a practice called simony 3. many village priests married and had families

What were the indulgences and why did Martin Luther object to them?

Indulgences were what the church was selling, it was forgiveness.. people had to pay the church to be forgiven. Martin Luther objected to them because he belived that the church was wrong and that the bible had the last word, because it was the word of god. He belived that if someone was really sorry they would be forgiven.

What complaint against the Roman Catholic Church was associated with indulgences?

Indulgences were a product of the Middle Ages. The church needed money to build, decorate and furnish its cathedral in Rome. The thinking was that priests did so much work that there was an abundance of "credit" in their spiritual accounts. The pope approved a procedure through which sinners could purchase forgiveness from the church and it was represented by an actual piece of paper called an indulgence. An indulgence could also be converted into a good work done by the purchaser even though the actual good work has been done by clergy.It could be used to mitigate a friend or relative's punishment in purgatory. With the invention of the printing press, indulgences could be mass produced and counterfeited, purchased in bulk and traded! This practice was an extreme example of the incompatibility between church teachings and logic and morality. The practice of indulgences was especially condemned by Martin Luther and led to the schism that initiated the Protestant Reformation.

How did the national assembly pay off huge government debt?

Selling off the property of the Catholic Church and Noble emigres.

Related questions

Why was martin Luther opposed to the practice of selling indulgence?

The Church misled people by telling them that their indulgences paid for their sins

What did the 95 Theses criticize?

The 95 Theses challenged the authority of the Roman Catholic church.

What does an indulgence do for you?

Indulgences tell you not to sin.More exactlyAn indulgence applies to Roman Catholic theology and is a complete or partial remission of punishment for sin. In the Middle Ages certain people within the Roman Catholic church began selling indulgences, and it is this practice that triggered Martin Luther to post his 95 thesis in Wittenberg and begin the Protestant Refomation

When did the Catholic Church get rid of indulgences?

The practice of granting an indulgence, which is the remission of temporal punishment due to sin (i.e., remission of restitution) have not ended. In fact, the Catholic Church has an official book of indulgences that is still in use today. What has ended was the corrupt practice of selling indulgences. The practice of selling indulgences was a problem that existed at least from the late 1300s till the early to mid 1500s. In fact, it was one of the "theses" that was pointed out by Martin Luther on his 95 Theses in 1517. By the mid-late 1500s, however, the practice of selling indulgences had largely died out.

What church practices made martin Luther defy church authorities completely?

A:Martin Luther did not at first seek to defy the Church, but rather to reform it. The Church's intransigence on matters he considered important eventually resulted in his defiance of church authorities. The most important concerns were the practice of buying and selling bishoprics and the practice of selling indulgences, both of which are regarded as simony.

The practice of selling posititons in the church?

Simony is the ecclesiastical crime of paying for holy offices or positions in the hierarchy of a church

What was offered to the Crusaders by the Catholic Church?

Not always, but often, the Church offered a plenary indulgence to the Crusaders.

What were luther criticism's of the church?

Martin Luther's criticism of the Catholic Church was written in a his famous pamphlet called "95 Theses". It was basically a critism against the indulgence which was put into practice by the Catholic Church during the papacy of Pope Leo X..In which, for Luther, indulgence is being sold.That the congregation of the church should be able to understand what the priest is saying. That the priests should not get the people to pay to 'get into heaven' because he believed that you can't pay to get into heaven and the money that the people gave them they spent on themselves

What is Indulgences definition?

Indulgence is a remission/absolution from your sins given by the priests. It could be a good deed or some prayers, or helping the poor, or going on to the Crusades. The trouble with indulgences came when more often the Church charged a sum of money for absolution/pardon. Martin Luther started Reformation (1517) with his 95 theses on Church abuses including selling indulgenses.

Why did Martin Luther challenge the church?

His main purpose in challenging the Church with the posting of the 95 theses was that he disagreed with the selling of indulgences. An indulgence is the full or partial forgiveness of mortal sins for payment. These payments were going to the building of St. Peter's Basilica. They were basically get-into-heaven-for-a-price card.

What were the three main abuses that most distressed church reformers?

1. using the practice of laying investiture 2. bishops selling positions in the church-a practice called simony 3. many village priests married and had families

A remission after death from all or part of the punishment due to sin is called an?

An indulgence. I think that's what you're talking about. The indulgence system is specifically Catholic, I believe, and I'm not sure if it is still in use today. Up until at least the sixteenth century (and possibly later) the Catholic Church would sell indulgences to people, basically telling the Church's followers that they could simply pay money to get time off of their sentence in purgatory or that of a friend or family member. Martin Luther, who was a Catholic monk and later became known as the father of Protestantism, was an adamant opponent of the indulgence system. This corrupt practice of selling indulgences was what led him to write his "Ninety-Five Theses" and sparked the Lutheran Reformation.