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I think it was a sign of pity for the soldiers.

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Q: Why were some men give white feathers in world war 1?
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Do some alien races have white feathers?

If they exist, some might have white feathers.

What color is the Swan?

Swans commonly have white feathers, although some species can also have gray or black coloring. The color of a swan's feathers can vary based on the specific species.

What colors are emperor penguins?

Their dorsal parts are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.- Black webbed feet with claws.- Black feathers- White feathers with some yellow behind the neck- Black bill with a yellow orange streak- Yellow patch of feathers behind eyes

What do pelicans look like?

pelicans are white they have feathers are long and medium

What color is a raven bird?

it depends on the bird type, but the common one is black

What can cause barred owl feathers to turn pink?

A likely explanation is that crayfish in a barred owls diet could cause the white of some feathers to turn pink. Most freshwater crayfish are red and a barred owl's feathers may take on their pigment after eating them.

What causes barred owl feathers to turn pink?

A likely explanation is that crayfish in a barred owls diet could cause the white of some feathers to turn pink. Most freshwater crayfish are red and a barred owl's feathers may take on their pigment after eating them.

Some days chickens some days feathers?

The phrase, "some days chickens, some days feathers" is a way to express how the world can change in the blink of an eye. One day it is good and the chicken is safe, and the next day the fox gets the chicken and all that is left are feathers. This means life can change, so live it wisely.

Compare and contrast down feathers and contour feathers?

Contour feathers are long, strong, and smooth, while down feathers are soft and fluffy. Contour feathers give birds their coloring and shape and are used in flight. Down feathers provide a layer of insulation.

What is a kookaburra covered with?

A kookaburra is a bird, so it is covered with feathers. The feathers are mostly shades of brown, cream and white, with some splashes of blue, which allow the birds to camouflage effectively within their their habitat while they wait for their prey.

What causes some eggs to have brown shells?

The color of the eggâ??s shell is a reflection of the breed of hen. Breeds with white feathers and ear lobes, such as White Leghorns, lay white eggs. Those with red feathers or ear lobes lay brown eggs.

What kind of bird has 4 inch orange feathers?

It would help a great deal to know what part of the world the feathers come from. If it was in the US, the chances are good -- but not certain -- that it was some kind of oriole.