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Q: Why were sharecroppers unable to move away from the farms?
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You can be "transfixed" at the sight of an horrific event... Fixed in place, unable to move, hypnotized and unable to tear your eyes away. ..."He was transfixed by the horrific sight unfolding before him...."

What word means 'unable to move' and starts with the letter P?

paralyzed (unable to move would need the past tense) Other forms: paralysis - the condition of being unable to move paralyze - the action to make something or someone be unable to move

What happened to share croppers when they worked in the same land year after year?

Most remained in debt to the land owners and were unable to move away.

What happens when you get paralysed?

you are unable to move.

What condition results in a patient being aware but unable to move?

Locked-in syndrome is the condition that results in a patient being aware but unable to move.

What was a reason why people left farms to move to the city?

factory work paid wages in cash, which was not always the case on farms.

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Sharecroppers were unable to cultivate the land and lost a lot of money to the banks. Because of this the banks took their lands and they were forced to make a difficult move to the West to find better jobs.

What is stiffnesss?

When something is unable or hard to move.

What was the reason why people left Family Farms to move to the city?

factory work paid wages in cash, which was not always the case on farms.

What was a reason why people left family farms to move to city?

factory work paid wages in cash, which was not always the case on farms.

Why is my body sometimes unable to move at night it hurts and it feels like im unable to move?

because your sleeping wrong or if your a boy than a different story.