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Q: Why were people unhappy with their American revolution government?
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The French Revolution occurred because the people saw how effective the American Revolution was and they realized it was possible to change their government.

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Why were people unhappy during the Mexican Revolution?

many people were unhappy during the Mexican revolution because many of their family members died and were injured from the war

What effects did the glorious revolution American revolution and french revolution have on governments?

The function of the government changed into an institution to promote the prosperity of the people.

Why were the french revolution governments so short -lived?

The people were unhappy with the monarchy, the Dictatorship, and the directory. Each form of government was not working and the people were so radical that they would not settle on just any form of government.

How did the people outside of the US react to the American Revolution?

They wanted a bigger part in THEIR government.

What convinced people to join the American revolution?

Representation in government, and freedom from Great Britain.

18 By the time of the American Revolution most patriots had come to believe that in republican government sovereignty was located in?

The People .

What key ideas led to the American Revolution?

The main idea that led to the American Revolution was that people should not be taxed if they do not have representation in the body that is taxing them. Another idea is that people should be free to choose who it is that governs them. self government and individual rights (gradpoint)

How did the people outside of the United states react to the American revolution?

Many were encouraged and wanted to fight for a voice in their government.

What was the impact of the American revolution on the western hemisphere?

other people started declaring independence from a government (France, etc.)

How did people outsided of the US react to the American Revolution?

NovaNet answer: Many were encouraged and wanted to fight for a voice in their government.