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Within these camps they could 'concentrate' or group specific types of people in one place.

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Dahlia O'Reilly

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

People did not 'go' to concentration camps, they had no choice, they were forced and beaten. If there was a refusal to go they would be killed.

It was not a choice to go to a concentration camp.

Also, they were prisoners and mostly told they were going to be put to work as they were needed for the war effort.

All the above applies to the concentration camps set up by Nazis in Germany and Poland under Adolf Hitler. Other concentration camps have existed in other countries.

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12y ago

The Nazi used concentration camps as a way to keep all the Jews and other prisoners together. Later on, in about 1940, many were converted to be used as death camps to exterminate the Jewish people.

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7y ago

It was designed to remove them from the mainstream of society, to confiscate their property and to exploit them of their labor. Anyone could be placed into the camps. Some were common criminals while other were sent to the camps merely because of their beliefs.

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10y ago

From 1930 to 1931 during the Pacification, 12,000 Cyrenaicans were executed and all the nomadic peoples of northern Cyrenaica were forcefully removed from the region and relocated to huge concentration camps in the Cyrenaican lowlands.[29]Propaganda by the Fascist regime declared the camps to be oases of modern civilization that were hygienic and efficiently run - however in reality the camps had poor sanitary conditions as the camps had an average of about 20,000 Beduoins together with their camels and other animals, crowded into an area of one square kilometre.[30]The camps held only rudimentary medical services, with the camps of Soluch and Sisi Ahmed el Magrun with an estimated 33,000 internees having only one doctor between them.[30]Typhusand other diseases spread rapidly in the camps as the people were physically weakened by meagre food rations provided to them and forced labour.[30]By the time the camps closed in September 1933, 40,000 of the 100,000 total internees had died in the camps.[30]

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14y ago

Some people in Germany were sent to the concentration camps because they were considered as not the perfect race.

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11y ago

Because the germanys did't like the juish

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