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Q: Why were people pleased when Mary came to the throne?
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When did Mary I come to the throne?

Mary I of Scotland (Mary, Queen of Scots) came to the throne on 14 Dec 1542. Mary I of England (Bloody Mary) came to the throne on 19 July 1553.

What was the name given to Mary I?

Staunchly Catholic, Mary I had no love for the Protestants who had tried to keep her from the throne and persecuted them when she came to power, earning herself the name, 'Bloody Mary'.

Why didnt Mary kill Elizabeth?

From what I know Mary did try to kill Elizabeth but Elizabeth went into hiding. Elizabeth stayed in hiding till Mary died and then came out and claimed the throne.

Who came first Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Victoria?

When King Henry Died,His son Edward VI came to the throne. then when Edward died 4 years later, Mary I (bloody Mary) became Queen,and then when she died, the wonderful virgin queen,Queen elizabeth I came to the throne.

Who Took power during the glorious revolution?

William and Mary rose to powerWilliam and Mary rose to power

Did Mary kill Thomas Cromwell?

No, Cromwell was executed by Henry VIII, though I'm pretty sure if he'd still been alive when Mary came to the throne she would have had him executed.

Which of Henry VIII's children came to the throne first?

Edward, then Mary, then Elizabeth and the last one that servied was Henry Katherine parr was the mother

How old was george the fourth when he came to the throne?

George the fourth was 60 when he came to the throne.

Was Thomas Cromwell a Protestant?

He certainly began the process although it was not completed under him as many people still rebelled against it, particularly in the North of England. By the time Mary came to the throne most of the country was Protestant.

What happen to catherine of aragon's daughter Mary?

Yes, Catherine loved her daughter- she had all the best clothes, tutors... (When she was legitimate) Catherine wanted to have a son, but thought that if she did't Mary could rule by her self.-Which was true when Mary came to the throne- except for killing alot of people she did a fantatsic job.

What did queen Elizabeth 1 Help begin?

She came to the throne when Mary Queen of Scots died on Nov, 17, 1558 at the age of 25 years old.

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chephren died in 2494 bc.he was pharaoh for 26 that means he came to tye throne in