11 Million people were murdered in the Holocaust. 6 million Jews and about 5 in a half Million "others".
Over six million plus Jews were killed in the concentration camps or other times by the Nazis. More were killed in Russia. There were also 5 million undesirable people killed by the Nazis in camps and medical experiments. They were disabled, mentally ill, communists and some were Jews.
The estimates for the number of people systematically killed by the Nazis during World War II vary from around 11 million to around 17 million. If you take the entire period of the war, just under six years, that's an average of about 6,500 people systematically murdered every day. --------------------------------------------------------- absolute rubbish If you want figures for the Holocaust: there were about four million who died in the camps, if you take the dates of the organised murder in the camps: dec '41 until dec '44 plus the death marches etc, taking the end date to about aug '45 (as those who still died in the allied hands died because of what the Nazis did to them) = 44 months, you get about three thousand per day. But this will give you an inaccurate figure, as over the summer of '44 an average of five thousand were being killed per day in Auschwitz alone, but dec '44 onwards only hundreds per day died. this would be added to those who died whilst not in captivity, like the million pus executed on the eastern front, which of course mainly happened in the period jun '41 - dec '41 then if you want to expand your definition of the Holocaust to be more inclusive, the two million plus Soviet POWs were killed in a very short time frame.
How about: "What values or benefits can be placed on the 58,000 plus American lives lost during the Vietnam war?" or "The protests by young people during the Vietnam War successfully changed U.S. Foreign Policy and ended the war."
== == American troops liberated several of the Nazi concentration camps, including Dachau Buchenwald and Mauthausen, but did not fight any direct battles to save European Jews. It was only after most of the SS troops retreated that they liberated the camps. ___ All the large extermination camps were in Poland (plus one in Belarus). These camps were either destroyed by the Nazis in an attempt to cover up their actions (Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Maly Trostinets) or were liberated by the Soviet Army (Majdanek in July 1944 and Auschwitz-Birkenau in January 1945).
They weren't alone in what they did. But they were able to do this because of the promises and ideas of Hitler, plus the propaganda that made what they did possible. But the propaganda was the worst. They spread horrible, 100% false things about the Jews and others that were deemed inferior.
6,258,673 plus millions of people who died of disease.
Technically, yes. But with the technology and armies countries have today it would end really quickly. Plus people would rebel more than they did in the original Holocaust.
Exact numbers no one knows for sure plus any and all documents have either been destroyed or tampered with. Credible estimates are that Typhus was the number one killer at the time due to unsanitary conditions.
It is a federal museum and in cases like this sponsors supply and support with donations plus the government kicks in a percentage.
Over six million plus Jews were killed in the concentration camps or other times by the Nazis. More were killed in Russia. There were also 5 million undesirable people killed by the Nazis in camps and medical experiments. They were disabled, mentally ill, communists and some were Jews.
The estimates for the number of people systematically killed by the Nazis during World War II vary from around 11 million to around 17 million. If you take the entire period of the war, just under six years, that's an average of about 6,500 people systematically murdered every day. --------------------------------------------------------- absolute rubbish If you want figures for the Holocaust: there were about four million who died in the camps, if you take the dates of the organised murder in the camps: dec '41 until dec '44 plus the death marches etc, taking the end date to about aug '45 (as those who still died in the allied hands died because of what the Nazis did to them) = 44 months, you get about three thousand per day. But this will give you an inaccurate figure, as over the summer of '44 an average of five thousand were being killed per day in Auschwitz alone, but dec '44 onwards only hundreds per day died. this would be added to those who died whilst not in captivity, like the million pus executed on the eastern front, which of course mainly happened in the period jun '41 - dec '41 then if you want to expand your definition of the Holocaust to be more inclusive, the two million plus Soviet POWs were killed in a very short time frame.
stupid people are me
It symbolizes what happened in the Holocaust and that you should not take things for granted, with Hannah not liking the Sader meal. It reminds people to remember the Jewish Traditions and understand what they symbolize. In the beginning of Chpt. 16, Gitl talks to Chaya (Hannah) about her therory The Devil's Arithmetic, that each day they must survive in the camps, each day one person dies another person is brought in, one plus one plus one, Called the Devil's Arithmetic.
yes, they couldn't get everyone out, plus with the current, they might been swept away from where the Titanic actually sunk.
well one time over 1000 people were slaugtered " in the name of Jesus". Many innncoent non-beleivers simply had their life taken due to a difference of opinion, which realy tells you a lot about christains. Plus, im sure many gay people have been murdered even though they have done nothing wrong by being gay.
aspen plus is a superchoot software taught by choot people.
You people do not deserve to go to college