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Because the south produced the cotton, and all that good stuff and gave it to the north, so that the north could make the clothes and cloth.

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Althea Olson

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Because the cotton plantations were all in the south.

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Q: Why were more Americans textile mills built in the north than in the south?
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What is Cahokia?

Cahokia was a settlement built by the ancient Native Americans. It was the largest city that was ever built north of Mexico.

What region was dependent on textile factories in the industrial revolution?

the north east

How were Northern textile mills and Southern cotton plantations linked?

Southern slaves produced the cotton, and workers at Northern mills (who were paid not much more than slaves) turned it into clothing, bedding, and other items. This was the main reason many Northerners were against abolition: the loss of slave labor would affect not just the South's plantation society, but the North's industrial economy as well.

What massive transformation did Europeans do on arrival to North America?

Native Americans led nomadic lives. Europeans built permanent homes and forts. They made cities and farms.

What was the basis of wealth in the Norther states?

Leading up to the US Civil War, the Northern States had been constructing an industrialized economy, just as it had before slavery became a divisive issue in the 1800's. The North had already established ports of trade well before the Revolutionary War with Great Britain. In addition, the North was active in trading with other European nations. Waterfalls and rivers were supplying the energy needs of new factories and shipyards. There was an active fishery industry too. The North's textile mills were using cotton from the south to produce clothing and other products. The North also was the main entry points for new immigrants from Europe that found work in the factories. And the North was not without farming and its products as well. All this contributed to the wealth of the North.

Related questions

How did industrialization begin in the unites states?

In 1789, Samuel Slater, a british worker, brought the secret of Britian's textile mills to North America. Slater built a machine to spin thread. In 1813, a group of Massachusetts investors built textile factories in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Why were more american textile mills built in the north than in the south?

Because the south produced the cotton, and all that good stuff and gave it to the north, so that the north could make the clothes and cloth.

Who is George Alexander?

George Alexander was the president of numerous North Carolina textile mills.

What economy was the north built on?

Factories and Mills

Who invented the textile mills What year What was the inventor's nationality?

This came straight out of my American History book. In 1789 Samuel Slater came to America from England. In Rhode Island Slater built factories that had spinning machines. Before long there were many textile mills in the North. This came off of Google. Samuel Slater was an English American.

Which industries developed in the north and in the south?

The north had factories and textile mills. The south had industrial scale cash-crop agriculture.

Why did many Americans oppose abolishing slavery?

Because it benefited the North, They feared that the blacks would take their jobs, and also worried that the end of slavery would cut off the supply of southern cotton for northern textile mills.

In the early 20th century where could most of the US textile industries be found?

By the early 20th century, most of the US textile industries had moved to the south. North Carolina alone had 177 mills in 1900. Previous to this, most of the textile industries were located in the northeast.

Who built the first American boat?

Native Americans, both north and south America, built boats.

What are the different of north and south?

The economy of the Confederate States was built for the most part on agriculture. They grew cotton, tobacco, rice and sugar cane. In the Northern States corn and wheat were the main crops. But the North was rapidly moving into the industrial age. Manufacturing came from textile mills, steel works, and mining. Coal & iron ore, were valuable assets.

Was the north suitable for textile manufacturing?

Because there were many sources and the population at the time was much larger than that of the south. But after the civil war and the reconstruction of the south alot of the textile mills moved the the south.Trueee but it was because the great lakes. And at the time the textile mills used the water to get power. But the water goes along with the sources but still, it was The Great Lakes.

How did the cotton gin and textile mill alter the curse of relations between the notheren and southern regions of the US?

Samuel Slater brought the secret of textile mills to the north and many mills popped up in New England. Lowell, Massachusetts was the central city for textile production. Young women worked long hours in the mills. They were controlled by bells, and created a close community.Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it easier to clean cotton and produce it in greater quantities. Cotton became important in the textile industry and was in great demand. Growing cotton was an easy way to get rich and became important to Southern Economy.