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The Balfour Declaration of 1917 states that the UK supported to establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Since Palestine was largely Muslim (including many Arabian Muslims), many Arabians opposed establishing a state for European Jews in an area largely inhabited by Muslims (both those descended from ancient Jews that converted to Islam and other Muslims that had immigrated there over the centuries.

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The Balfour Declaration of 1917 states that the UK supported to establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Since Palestine was largely Muslim (including many Arabian Muslims), many Arabians opposed establishing a state for European Jews in an area largely inhabited by Muslims (both those descended from ancient Jews that converted to Islam and other Muslims that had immigrated there over the centuries.

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Q: Why were many Arabs apposed to the balfour declaration?
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Did the Balfour Declaration hinder the aims of Pan-Arabism?

The Declaration itself was toothless. In the same way the Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves, but set up the INTENT to free slaves, the Balfour Declaration did not create a Jewish State, but set up the INTENT to create a Jewish State. As concerns the Jewish State, many Arabs claim that Israel prevented Pan-Arabism from occurring even though the most successful Pan-Arab Nationalist project was the Egyptian-Syrian United Arab Republic which was physically split by Israel. Simply put, Israel drives a geographical wedge between Egypt and North Africa in the west and the Levant, Iraq, and Arabia in the east. Bottom Line: The Balfour Declaration neither furthered not hindered the aims of Pan-Arabism, but its later-result Israel is viewed to have hindered Pan-Arabism.

How did the Balfour Declaration contradict earlier promises made by the Allies?

The British made 2 earlier promises in this regard: 1) 1915: The McHoun-Hussein correspondence promised Arab control of Arab lands. But it is not clear this agreement included "Palestine", as much of the Mediterranean coast was excluded. 2) 1916: UK-France Sykes-Picot Agreement However, the effect of the Balfour Decleration is questionable, anyhow, as many Jews had already been continuously living in Israel for thousands of years (returning after exiles), and many were returning to it throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the Balfour Declaration. Also, upon pressure from Arabs, the British blocked immigration of Jews to Israel more stringently in 1939, leaving many Jews to die in Europe under Nazi Germany, so the British did not uphold their promise to the Jews when it counted most.

When did Arabs immigrate to the US and how many?

About 200,000 Arabs migrated to the US

How many Arabs are there in the world?

There are around 450 million Arabs in the world today.

Did white people colonize or immigrate to the US?

They had to! The Arabs where taking over look it how many muslims(arabs ) r in europe..

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Did the Balfour Declaration hinder the aims of Pan-Arabism?

The Declaration itself was toothless. In the same way the Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves, but set up the INTENT to free slaves, the Balfour Declaration did not create a Jewish State, but set up the INTENT to create a Jewish State. As concerns the Jewish State, many Arabs claim that Israel prevented Pan-Arabism from occurring even though the most successful Pan-Arab Nationalist project was the Egyptian-Syrian United Arab Republic which was physically split by Israel. Simply put, Israel drives a geographical wedge between Egypt and North Africa in the west and the Levant, Iraq, and Arabia in the east. Bottom Line: The Balfour Declaration neither furthered not hindered the aims of Pan-Arabism, but its later-result Israel is viewed to have hindered Pan-Arabism.

How did the Balfour Declaration contradict earlier promises made by the Allies?

The British made 2 earlier promises in this regard: 1) 1915: The McHoun-Hussein correspondence promised Arab control of Arab lands. But it is not clear this agreement included "Palestine", as much of the Mediterranean coast was excluded. 2) 1916: UK-France Sykes-Picot Agreement However, the effect of the Balfour Decleration is questionable, anyhow, as many Jews had already been continuously living in Israel for thousands of years (returning after exiles), and many were returning to it throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the Balfour Declaration. Also, upon pressure from Arabs, the British blocked immigration of Jews to Israel more stringently in 1939, leaving many Jews to die in Europe under Nazi Germany, so the British did not uphold their promise to the Jews when it counted most.

Why do Arabs claim a right to Palestine?

The Arabs claim a right to Palestine because many of them used to live there in harmony with Christian and Jewish neighbours. The whole situation was very badly planned in the beginning going back to the Balfour Declaration in the 1920's. The United nations actions in 1948 did nothing to help, and should be changed giving both sides some land. -Unfortunately both sides are now entrenched in such violently opposing points of view that a fair resolution will never be found.

How did Lord Balfour influence the Middle East Crisis?

Lord Balfour created the official British Policy that the Kingdom would look favorably upon the creation of a Jewish State in the Mandate of Palestine. This policy called the "Balfour Declaration of 1917" galvanized the Zionists and was their first real political success at Jewish foreign relations. The Balfour Declaration eventually led to UN Resolution 181 which gave the Jewish State the Right to Declare a State. The Establishment of the State of Israel and the Arab Response to such an Establishment is responsible for much of the Middle East Crisis as concerns Israel and Palestine. It is important to note that there are many other Middle Eastern Crises (such as the American Invasion of Iraq, the Syrian Occupation of Lebanon, the Bahraini King's crushing of internal opposition, and the Moroccan-Algerian Sands War to name a few) which are entirely unrelated to both Lord Balfour and Israel/Palestine.

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i know the answer but i oppose answering this question!

When did Arabs immigrate to the US and how many?

About 200,000 Arabs migrated to the US

How many Arabs are there in the world?

There are around 450 million Arabs in the world today.

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