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So they could have easy acces to fishing, and a water source to clean there clothes ;-]
I hope this helped :D

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Q: Why were many American towns built near the ocean or along rivers in the early days?
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Great early American civilizations built large cities where?

Many of the most successful great early American civilizations built large cities along water. Typically these cities were built along the Atlantic Ocean.

Why did early cities have to be built next to rivers?

So they could have a water source.

Where did many early Virginia cities develope?

Fall Line!! = )

In the early days of your country many towns were built near the ocean or along rivers why?

beaause they can get the water from the lakes

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What Early victories along the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers earned general grant what nickname?

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Why did early settlement's first develop along the river?

Early settlements developed along rivers because they provided essential resources such as water for drinking, irrigation for agriculture, transportation, and access to fish and other sources of food. Rivers also facilitated communication and trade between communities, making them ideal locations for early human settlements.

Why did early settlement first develop a long rivers?

Ease of traveling and shipping along with a supply of running water.

Why were early factories built near rivers?

Because they provided water power to run the machinery and a place to dump their waste

Why did people in early day of our country were many towns built nere oceans or rivers Explain why?

The reason why many towns in the early days of the country were built near oceans or rivers was so they could get supplies. Supplies came by water way and living close to water meant getting supplies were easier.