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They had been ruled over by a government with too much power for years, and didn't want to create the same type of government after fighting for freedom for 6 years.

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Q: Why were founders afraid to have a strong national government?
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Why were the American people afraid of strong national government?

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Why were the states afraid centralized authority and a strong national government?

The states afraid of centralized authority and a strong national government because of the stronghold England once held. The states enjoyed their independence.

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They were afraid of a strong national government with economic powers controlled by the rich and powerful at the expense of the average American.

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Feared a strong central government

Why were the states afraid of centralized authority and a strong national government?

In the Revolutionary Period in America's history, the various colonies and colonists were afraid of centralized authority and a strong national government for several related reasons. First, the British government exhibited such powers. Second, and still more importantly, such powers are easily abused and cannot easily be reformed once abuses (or other injustices in the government) take root.

Which of these founders favored a strong national government and loose interpretation of the US constitution?

My best guess is someone like Alexander Hamilton that is a huge FEDERALIST.

Why does the articles of confederation give the national government few powers?

Many Americans were afraid that a strong government would leady to tyranny, or oppressive rule.

Why were some of the founding fathers afraid to set up a national government?

Since the British had lived under the British for so long and the British were so cruel to them, most people distrusted a strong central government and that is why they did not want a national government.

Who believed in a stronger national government?

You are probably thinking about the early battles between the Federalists who believed in a strong federal government and were headed by John Adams and the states' rights group , led by Thomas Jefferson. George Washington sided with Adams for the most part.

What group supported a strong national or central government.?

The Federalists supported a strong national government.

Which of these founders favored a strong national government and a loose interpretation of the United states constitution?

My best guess would be Alexander Hamilton. I'm not 100 percent sure about this though :)

Which was a fundamental goal of the Virginia Plan?

To create a strong national government. A+LS