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Q: Why were elabrate tombs so important to pharaohs as well as everyday Egyptians?
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Why were elaborate tombs so important to pharaohs as well as everyday egyptians?

They were important to pharaohs because they showed how great or powerful they were and it helped them get to the afterlife. They were important to everyday Egyptians because they thought it was an honor to be in the presence of a great person's tomb.

Why are the pharaohs so big in hieroglyphs?

The pharaohs in hieroglyphs are large because they were considered very important by the Egyptians.

Why were elaborate tombs so important soto pharaohs as well as everyday Egyptians?

elaborate tombs were important as the items you enter the underworld stay with you it is the same with wealth. The wealth you enter the underworld with is the wealth that stays with you.

How the Egyptians viewed their pharaohs?

To the Egyptians, the Pharaohs were actually gods.

How egyptians viewed the pharaohs?

To the Egyptians, the Pharaohs were actually gods.

What is so important about the sphinx?

The sphinx is important because it was of great value to the Pharaohs and Egyptians.

What kind of Egyptians are there?

There are 6 differenttipes of people in Ancient Egypt. But the most important are the Pharaohs. They were the RICHEST Egyptians in Ancient Egypt!

The Egyptians thought of pharaohs as?

the egyptians thought of the Pharaohs as gods pointed by the pharaoh before them

What responses describes Egyptian Pyramids?

Burial chambers for important ancient Egyptians, especially the Pharaohs.

Do Egyptians have Pharaohs today?


Why did the Egyptians stop stop burying the pharaohs in the pyramids?

The Egyptians belived that they would see the pharaohs in the afterlife + robbery

What did the Egyptians believe their pharaohs were able to do?

Egyptians thought their Pharaohs were gods or had connections to gods. They were lead to believe that the Pharaohs were able to punish them with super natural abilities.