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Basically, because they couldn't work. Twin childrenhowever, if found, were not killed immediately at Auschwitz.

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Q: Why were children sick and old killed in Auschwitz?
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The Jews did not have not ONE luxury in Auschwitz. They had to work hard for little food and little shelter. The Nazis' also killed men, woman, and children who were too young or too old to work in gas chambers.

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Mario Sonnino was only two years old when he and his family were killed in Auschwitz death camp in Poland, in a gas chamber.

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The Holocaust was directed against ALL Jews - men, women and children, young, old, healthy and sick. So about half the six million slaughtered were female.

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Children under 14 were usually regarded as unsuitable for manual labour and were gassed shortly after arrival.

How many people got killed in the holocaust that got killed were children?

Out of 13 Million People who were killed during the Holocaust, only about 1.3-1.7 Million Children were killed during the Holocaust. Majority of the Children were under the ages of 13 years old.

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Auschwitz was established as a concentration camp in June 1940 and later expanded.

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On May 21, 1944, fifteen-year-old Bertha Adler was killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.

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Hana Brady was killed in a gas chamber the day she was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp when she was about 13 years old.

What 90's movies plot has people stay in old house and get killed and there are wood carvings of children he's killed in the past in the house?

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