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Hitler decided to kill Jewish children so Jewish won't exist any more

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Q: Why were children killed at concentration camps?
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Where were the females prisoners in the holocaust?

Sometimes in seperate concentration camps, sometimes with children. More often, they were killed on arrival to the death camps.

Which of the camps killed more people German or polish concentration camps?

concentration camps were German , NONE were Polish !!!

What did concentration camps do to children?

In concentration camps, since men and women were separated, young children were put in the women's section. However, if the concentration camps were also extermination camps, the children were often murdered upon arrival.

How were women and children killed in concentration camps?

Most were gased using a pesticide called Zyklon B then they were creamated.

Are the concentration camps where Jew's were killed haunted?


How were the Jews affected by the concentration camps?

It killed them

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How many Jewish children escaped from the concentration camps in the Holocaust?

There isn't an exact number for Jewish children escaping the concentration camps. Children, the sick, and the elderly were the first to be sent into the gas chambers (killed) because they were of no use to the Nazis; they weren't capable of doing heavy work.

What were concentration camps and where they found?

concentration camps were places where Jews were kept in the 2nd world war and then the used to get killed there

Did Children get killed in concentration camps first?

there are two ways that i know of. one was they would burn the children and two that would use them as shooting targets

Were any American civilians killed in Nazi Concentration camps?

There werent American CIVILIANS killed in Nazi Concentration camps. Civillians implies that they were not serving. There were American men in the army who were killed in Nazi Concentration camps, but no civilians.