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At the end of the Viet Nam war just as the Iraq War is becoming now it had become a very unpopular war. The media in its exceedingly sensational way portrayed viet nam vets as murderers , baby killers if you will.

The puplic bought into the reports and veterans in general became second class citizens. Men who were emotionally and physically scarred for life from their time spent there had no safe haven from persecution and developed mental issues with depression and post traumatic stress.

Getting and keeping jobs was difficult and the government had not yet recognized these mental issues as valid. Many vets became homeless because of this and just fell between the cracks, no help from the VA and even less from society in general.

Dont think for a moment that history is not repeating itself, our modern day vets are returning to the same kinds of issues. Thousands of us Gulf War vets suffer from ailments unrecognized by the federal government so no steps are taken to care for them.

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Q: Why were Vietnam veterans mistreated after the war Like being out of a job and being poor on the streets Shouldn't they have support from the Gov.?
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