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they became centers of learning and culture

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Junius Weimann

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they became centers of learning and culture

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Q: Why were Hellenistic cities were important?
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Related questions

What were Hellenistic Cities?

an agora an alpha theater a temple and a gymnasium

Alexanderia stood among other hellenistic cities for all reasons except?

Alexanderia stood among other hellenistic cities for all reasons except the harbor

What cities made up region of Galatia?

The region of Galatia was composed of several cities, including Ancyra (modern-day Ankara), Pessinus, and Tavium. These cities played an important role in the history of the region and were central to the Galatian culture during the Hellenistic period.

What was the most important legacy of Alenander the Great?

The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.The most important legacy of Alexander the Great was the spreading of the Greek or Hellenistic culture throughout all the places he conquered.

Where was the most important port in the Hellenistic world?

Alexandria, Egypt.

What city was the center of greek culture?

Because of it's location, Alexandria became a prosperous trade center of the Hellenistic world. After Alexander the Great's death, Hellenistic cities (non-Greek cities sharing characteristics of true Greek cities) were thriving cultural centers for a while.

How would you describe the city of Alexandria in Egypt?

It is regarded as the greatest of the Hellenistic cities.

In what areas did important achievements develop during the Hellenistic period?

in mathematics and science

Why do you think the work of Hellenistic scholars was important to later civilizations?

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What happened instead of Alexander the great wanting the cultures of his defeated cities to survive and mix with Greek culture?

because Alexander tried to mix the Greek cities and the Hellenistic cites didn't mix and there your answer to your question

Who was the leading city in the Hellenistic age?

Alexandria, Egypt (named after Alexander the Great). The Hellenistic period refers to the time from Alexander's death until the time of the rise of the Roman Emprie. Other important cultural centers were Antioch, in Syria, along with Ephesus and Rhodes, among others.

How was Pompeii Hellenistic?

it is Hellenistic because Hellenistic means greek like and pompeii is greek like.