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Because together, they controlled almost all of the Eastern world. Singularly, the only owned smaller pieces of it.

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Q: Why were Germany and Italy allies of japan?
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How were the allies of Germany?

Italy and japan were the allies of Germany

Who on the allies power?

Germany, Japan and Italy

How are not allies with Australia?

Germany, Japan, Italy

Japan Germany Italy were called what?

Germany, Italy and Japan was war time allies were called the Axis Powers by their opponents.

Did Japan have allies in World War 2?

Yes, Japan was allies with the Axis countries, which were Germany and Italy.

Who were Germany's allies?

It started out being Italy, Japan, and Russia (USSR). However, Russia (USSR) switched sides after Hitler screwed him over. Thus, leaving Germany's Allies being Italy and Japan.

What advantage did the allies have in confronting Germany Italy and japan?

the allies had a coordinating strategy for victory

Did Germany and Italy become allies with Japan before or after World War 2?

It depends on how you look at it. Germany and Italy were already allied with each other and fighting in the war when they were joined by Japan, although Japan waited until late '41 to take an active role in the war. After the war, Italy, Japan, and West Germany became allies against East Germany, but they had little choice in this matter. Japan and Italy were also allies in World War 1, but against Germany then.

Who were germany's main allies in world war 2?

Italy and Japan

Why Did The Japan And Italy Join Hitler?

Shared expansion interests with Germany and Italy. Both opposed Britain and France. Germany thought Japan was a good ally.

In world war 2 what country did the allies fight against?

Germany and Italy in Europe; and Japanese Empire in Asia. 1939-1945 The Allies fought against the Axis. The Axis consisted of Germany, Italy, Japan and the Vichy French.

What year did Italy become allies with Germany and Japan?

Japan never joined with Germany, they fought only aginst the US.