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hitler was austrian

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Q: Why were German troops not allowed in Austria?
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German words for the Nazis troops taking over austria?

Der Anschluss

What is the total number of German military troops allowed by Article 160 of the Versailles Treaty?

The total number of German military troops allowed by Article 160 of the Versailles Treaty is 100,000.

When was Austria invaded during World War 2?

on 12 March 1938, German troops occupied Austria, and Hitler proclaimed its Anschluss with Germany, annexing it to the Third Reich.

What is the German for Austria?

Österreich = Austria in German.

Which part in the German country were the Germans banned from having troops in order to protect France from attack?

The Germans were not allowed to station any troops in the Rhineland.

What was the union with Austria?

The Anchshluss in Mar 1938. The vast majority of Austrian voted in a referendum to become part of "greater Germany". To ensure that, German troops occupied Vienna and other areas of Austria. It was no great surprise since Austria and Germany were allies in World War I and both spoke German and shared alliances in their histories.

What is the language of Austria in German?

Austrians speak German Österreicher sprechen Deutsch

When was German introduced in Austria?

The German language predates the division between Germany and Austria.

What did Germany do in World War 1?

they went to war with russia because russia mobilized their troops too the German border. and were allied with austria-Hungary.

How do you say troops in German?

troops = Truppen

What actions allowed Prussia to replace Austria as the leading German state in Europe?

Prussia replaced Austria as the leading German state by promoting customs free trade with neighboring states. There was also a demographic shift from Germans to Slavs and Hungarians in Austria.

When was German Workers' Party - Austria-Hungary - created?

German Workers' Party - Austria-Hungary - was created in 1903.