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The ban was introduced in September 1939. The purpose was to increase their isolation and make sure they received no news.

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So that they have no idea on what's going on around them

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hehehe }@

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Q: Why were German Jews forbidden to own radios?
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Why didn't the Jewish have guns in the Holocaust?

1. Gun ownership was not widespread in Europe at the time. 2. In 1938 German Jews were forbidden to own firearms, but this is a red herring.

Which group of people in Russian empire were forbidden to own land?


How did the German government begin to discriminate agaisnt the Jews?

On 23 March 1933 the Reichstag (German Parliament) allowed Hitler to govern by decree. Early April 1933: Most Jews were dismissed from employment in the public sector including teaching in schools and colleges. Drastic curbs on the number of Jewish students at university. May 1933: Jews were forbidden to hold managerial or artistic post in theatres and in the cinema industry. Jews were forbidden to own firearms. A hailstorm of anti-Jewish decrees followed. In 1933-43 there were about 430 of them for Germany alone.

Why did the Jews act so peacefully during the German occupation?

(The Jews living in Germany were German... and you can't exactly say the Germans were 'occupying' their own country)

Was it legal for the Jews to own guns during World War 2?

Depends on where they were. In Nazi-occupied Europe it was forbidden.

How do you bring a pitbull to Germany?

The "American Pitbull" is one of the forbidden breeds in Germany. It is illegal to own one in 13 of the 16 German States. It is advisable to contact your German Consulate for exact information on the locality where the dog is to be kept. The link below shows all the forbidden breeds and in which States they are forbidden. Unfortunately it is only available in German.

What did the German government require of Jews in the German Society?

Ultimately the German government required that Jews leave German society. There would be many stages and steps before this happened; first the Jews would have to leave certain jobs, like the civil service, they would be encouraged to emigrate, to leave the country of their own accord and eventually those remaining would be deported.

What anti Jewish laws did Hitler bring in after 1938?

1939Jews were forbidden to own a business, or own a radio.Jews were forced to live in ghettoes1941- All Jews were forced to wear a yellow star of David19

What are some restrictions that were imposed on the citizens during the Blitz?

According to The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank" After May 1940 the good times were few and far between: first there was the war, then the capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans, which is when the trouble started for the Jews. Our freedom was severely restricted by a series of anti-Jewish decrees: Jews were required to wear a yellow star; Jews were required to turn in their bicycles; Jews were forbidden to use street-cars; Jews were forbidden to ride in cars, even their own; Jews were required to do their shopping between 3 and 5 P.M.; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish-owned barbershops and beauty parlors; Jews were forbidden to be out on the streets between 8 P.M. and 6 A.M.; Jews were forbidden to attend theaters, movies or any other forms of entertainment; Jews were forbidden to use swimming pools, tennis courts, hockey fields or any other athletic fields; Jews were forbidden to go rowing; Jews were forbidden to take part in any athletic activity in public; Jews were forbidden to sit in their gardens or those of their friends after 8 P.M.; Jews were forbidden to visit Christians in their homes; Jews were required to attend Jewish schools, etc. You couldn't do this and you couldn't do that, but life went on" (page 3).

Did Hitler attack Jewish businesses?

From January 1939 on, Jews in Germany were forbidden to own businesses (or hold managerial posts in any business in Germany). Jewish-owned businesses were seized by the German government and sold off - in some cases by Nazi party bosses to their friends. (A very small number of exceptions were allowed: for example, there were a handful of cafes that were allowed to serve Jews only).

What did Poland use to try and stop German tanks?

The jews didnt try to stop the tanks however there was a group of resistincers trying to fight the jews in thier own way