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General Braddock was defeated because he had little experience of war and he was a very stubborn man. When hiss men told him too stop moving towards them he refused and pressured his men to keep going.The American Indians wre hiding in the tree land scape and attacked them surprisingly most of the generals men died

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Alyce Corkery

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2y ago
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9y ago

There are differing theories as to how General Braddock could have been defeated by such a smaller, much inferior force. One reason is his preference for the traditional type of shoulder to shoulder combat Europeans were accustomed to. This style was not advantageous on the American battleground. The Native American style of warfare was much better suited for the terrain, a tactic employed by the French and their native counterparts.

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14y ago

The French and Indians had an advantage over General Braddock and his British troops that much resembles that of the patriot's advantage over the British nearly ten years later. The French's Native American Allies were able to warn the French of the migration of the British, and, therefore, the French were able to encounter the British and take them by surprise at the Battle of Lake George. They hid behind trees and shot at the British from all sides. General Braddock was killed and British troops were forced to retreat. More than half of the British troops were killed in the deep undergrowth where the battle took place. Among the surviving was the infamous George Washington, who would later lead the American Continental Army to victory. When thought through rationally, the British uniforms did not help much in the situation of the Battle of Lake George. They were bright red, which is the color that is most visible to a human's eyes. They were easy targets even in the dim lighting of the forest. Despite this flaw, the British later managed, after the loss of Fort Necessity, to take over Fort Duquesne, which contributed to their victory. The war was ended when the Treaty of Paris was signed in France in1763.

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14y ago

General Braddock insisted on fighting in the European style, marching in an orderly column through unfamiliar North American terrain with little or no regard for the possibility of ambush. The French and Indians knew better than to fight this way, and they used cover, but Braddock was too stuborn to change his gentlemanly notions of warfare. As a result, the British soldiers were easy to see, and easy to shoot. Many of them died, and Braddock died with them.

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