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Planning for a Long TripSerrao's letters helped build in my mind the location of the Spice Islands, which later became the destination for my great voyage. I asked the King of Portugal to support my journey, but he refused. After that, I begged the King of Spain to support my journey. He was interested in my plan since Spain was looking for a better sea route to Asia than the Portuguese route around the southern tip of Africa. It was going to be hard to find sailors, though. None of the Spanish sailors wanted to sail with me because I was Portuguese. I would have to take anybody who signed on, whether they were good seamen or not. Parts of my crew were prisoners, released from jail in return for sailing with me.
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Q: Why were Ferdinand Magellan's crew prisoners?
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How many people were in Ferdinand magellans crew?

250 crew members only 18 survived and Magellan was not one of them

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What was Ferdinand magellans's goal?

Ferdinand's goal was to sail around the globe. =D

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Ferdinand Magellan didn't have any brothers. He was a single child.

What did magellans crew get paid with?

with portasgees mony

When did Ferdinand Magellans crew reach Spain again?

=Although, Ferdinand Magellan was killed in the Philippine Islands along with most of his crew, 17 of around 200 crew members survived and safely returned to Spain. They returned on the Victoria, one of the five ships used to circumnavigate the Earth.=

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King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain

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Ferdinand Magellan's parents died in 1490 when he was 10

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Ferdinand Magellans childhood was quite bad and upsetting. His parents died when he was ten years old. Wow you must be dumb if you couldn't look that up and get the answer your self! :)

When did Ferdinand magellans parents die?

His parents died when he was 10

What is Ferdinand Magellans exploration?

south around south America