

Why were DVDs invented?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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18y ago

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The quick and easy answer is because they allow for higher quality video and sound. For the more complex answer, I refer you to Wikipedia's article on DVDs, particularly the History section (, which lays out how IBM helped get the two camps behind the MMCD and the SD to eventually agree on the DVD.

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18y ago
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14y ago

The evolution of technology has become ever more rapid since the 1980s and the invention of the DVD is just one of many examples of this reality.

There is really one simple reason the why DVD's where invented.

That is to replace VHS tapes, just as blu-ray is likely to eventually replace DVDs: simplicity and compactness.

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I would say around 1955. But I'm not completely sure, but it's my best answer. P.S sorry about the error.

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