they feared that US expansion would lead it to become an empire. They didnt like that idea because they pictured empires as a threat to individual freedoms, something they inherited from the american revolution.
the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s
It ended the British threat, lifted Patriots spirits and convinced Europeans that Americans had sound a chance of winning
Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.Scipio was important to Rome because he chased, fought and defeated Hannibal and the threat Hannibal posed to Rome.
they suck booty
American expansion was a threat because, the Americans believed in "Manifest Destiny" which was the belief that the United states had a duty to take over the land of North America. The colonies of BNA, thought if they joined together they would be a better defense.
The greatest threat to the American expansion in the Northwest territories were the Native Americans who were supplied with guns by the British.
dont start nothin dont be nothin
Americans' inability to cope with harsh winter conditions and inadequate forts.
The 5 factors of confederation are:1) the threat of an American takeover and fenian raids2) the trouble with trade3) political deadlock4) the need for rail links5) changing british attitudes
they feared that US expansion would lead it to become an empire. They didnt like that idea because they pictured empires as a threat to individual freedoms, something they inherited from the american revolution.
the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s
Military threat from the USA, lack of support from Britain, and reciprocity with the USA.
Out of fear or self protection from a communist threat of expansion in Asia.
The probability of a threat is 1. The threat exists. What is important is not the threat but the probability that the threatened event happens.
It ended the British threat, lifted Patriots spirits and convinced Europeans that Americans had sound a chance of winning
It ended the British threat, lifted Patriots spirits and convinced Europeans that Americans had sound a chance of winning