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Q: Why was the theatre a dangerous place to attend during the Elizabethan days?
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Was the theartre important in the Elizabethan era?

Elizabeth I of England loved the arts. She was a large fan of drama, music, poetry and literature. She went to the theatre often and this really caused the arts to thrive. Also William Shakespeare wrote his plays during the Elizabethan era.

What is elizabethan clothing?

Elizabethan clothing is clothing during the Elizabethan age. In other words, this is the age of Shakespeare and the bubonic plague.

Who performed afternoon plays in Elizabethan London during the Elizabethan era?

Traveling companies (apex)

What were the two major religions during Shakespeare's time in Elizabethan England?

Christianity was the major religion in Elizabethan times.

What was a normal for a girl to marry during the Elizabethan Era?

A person.

Related questions

What are the other names of Elizabethan Theater?

Strictly speaking the Elizabethan Theatre was the theatre during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England 1558-1603. The Shakespearean Theatre was the theatre during the career of William Shakespeare, being 1590-1613 more or less. As you see, there was a lot of Elizabethan Theatre before Shakespeare got started and he also did a lot of work after her death, during the period of the Jacobean Theatre. The Elizabethan and Jacobean periods are sometimes called English Renaissance Theatre.

Where did Shakespeare shows his plays during Elizabethan time?

He started off a as a traveller but then he built a theatre which he then performed in.

What might have you worn to the theatre during the Elizabethan Age?

People in the Elizabethan Age, unless they were very rich, had very few clothes. There were laws about what you could or could not wear. Most people would not have a change of clothes to go to the theatre; they would wear what they always wore.

Is the Elizabethan theater also the globe theater?

No, the terms are not synonymous. In the phrase "Elizabethan theatre" the word "theatre" does not always imply a building, but more often the style, customs, practises, plays, playwrights and actors which defined the theatre community in London during the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603). It can also mean a building built during that period specifically as a venue for play performance--what was at that time called a playhouse. The Globe Theatre was only one (although the most famous one) of these Elizabethan playhouses. Others included the Rose, the Swan, the Curtain, the Fortune and the Red Bull.

What time period was the famous Globe Theatre used?

The old Globe Theatre was established in 1576 during a period known as the Elizabethan era. It was ordered to be pulled down in 1648 by the Puritans.

What were entertainers in the Elizabethan times?

For instance theatre, dog fights, bear baiting, cock fights ...

What were the names of other theatres in the Elizabethan era?

Amphitheaters - The Theatre, The Globe, The Rose, The Swan, Newlington Butts Theatre, The Curtain, The Fortune,The Boars Head, The Red Bull, The Bear's Garden, The Bull Ring and finally, The Hope. They are all the open-air theatres during the Elizabethan era.

What did the Elizabethan theatre look like?

Elizabethan theater involved several theater companies of actors and playwrights. In London the globe theater was in use and Shakespeare was performing his works. There were no female actresses during Elizabethan times, instead young teenage boys would play female roles.

What are some similarities between Greek theatre and Elizabethan theatre?

round in structural formhad an orchestra and a skeneperformed during the day

Was the theartre important in the Elizabethan era?

Elizabeth I of England loved the arts. She was a large fan of drama, music, poetry and literature. She went to the theatre often and this really caused the arts to thrive. Also William Shakespeare wrote his plays during the Elizabethan era.

What is Jacobean theater?

It's that thing Ryan wants us to research for point 4, and is likely to be exactly the same as Elizabethan Theatre...with a different name.

What type of globe was shake spears globe?

Shakespeare was an English author who wrote plays during the Elizabethan era. The Globe is a theatre in London built specificity for his plays in 1599.