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Because hunter gatherer tribes could only hold about 100 people. But when irrigation stared people started the first villages which largely increased the population.

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Q: Why was the switch from hunting to farming imporrtant?
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Who started farming?

Farming began during the Neolithic revolution. It was the large switch from hunting and gathering to agriculture in small villages.

What is the shift from hunting to gathering to farming called-?

The shift from hunter-gathers to farming was made from the switch from the paleolithic revolution to the neolithic revolution

Why was the switch from hunting and gathering to farming important enough to be called the farming revoulution?

The switch from hunting and gathering to farming, known as the Agricultural Revolution, was significant because it marked a fundamental shift in human society. Farming allowed for a more settled way of life, leading to the development of permanent settlements, specialization of labor, and the rise of complex civilizations. It also enabled population growth and the development of new technologies, setting the stage for further advancements in human history.

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The opposite of farming (agriculture) would be hunting or foraging.

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