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colonists did not feel that it provided for the comon defense, and to make matters worse they couldn't get allong with eachother.

-- c.shingle

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Q: Why was the plan of Benjamin Franklin for colonial home rule rejected by the individual colonies?
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What assumptions does Benjamin Franklin make in his cartoon about the strength of the individual colonies?


Who drew up the Albany plan of the union?

Benjamin Franklin

What did colonial Americans think of Benjamin Franklin?

Franklin was revered by people all over the colonies, Britain, and France - even (to a certain extent) by many who did not agree with his politics.

What is a good colonial political cartoon?

Notably , Benjamin Franklin's cartoon "Join, or Die": this political cartoon by Franklin urged the colonies to join together toward common goals .

Who did Benjamin Franklin help get to the colonies?

The group that Benjamin helped was the British.

What was the goal of Benjamin Franklin's Albany plan of union.?

It was a plan of Benjamin Franklin to unite the American colonies in 1754.

Benjamin Franklin's attempt to create intercolonial unity at the Albany Congress resulted in?

rejection of the congress's proposal for colonial home rule by London and by the the indiviual colonies.

When Benjamin Franklin said join or die what did he mean?

Benjamin Franklin drew and first published his "Join or Die" cartoon in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. It was the earliest pictorial representation of the desire to form "a union" among the colonists and the separate colonies.

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Benjamin Franklin

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benjamin franklin

What was Benjamin Franklin views on government?

Ben Franklin believed that the colonies should join together and become independant.

Who had war against the british with Benjamin Franklin?

The American Colonies, of which Ben Franklin was a Citizen.