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it was successful for the weimar republic because the period was a happy time for Germany. The hyperinflation crisis had been solved by Gustav Stresemann(1924-1929)- the president, when he burnt the old worthless marks and introduced a new currency- the retenmark. He also started the Dawes Plan in which he borrowed money from the american banker Charles Dawes to get German buisnesses functioning properly again and create better standards for the citizens. He also did other things which showed his ability of dealing with difficult situations. This time was also good for the republic because many people began to live a good life- atleast one better than they had before. Jazz Music came over from america, there was lots of night life and many new artists came about as well as dancers and film directors. This period was a time of fun for most German people and therefore people liked the government (weimar republic) for taking them out of bad times.

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Q: Why was the period 1924-1929 successful for the Weimar Republic?
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What was the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar Republic was established in 1919. It was the German Government between WW1 and WW2. it faced many problems from extremists, power in the Reichstag and the economy. Reparations led to hyperinflation which was later resolved by the Dawes Plan.

Name German Government 1930?

In 1930 Germany was still known as the "German Empire" or "German Realm" (German- das deutsche Reich), though today the German government during the period from 1919 to the Nazi "forcible coordination" (Gleichschaltung) in 1933 is commonly called the "Weimar Republic" (German- Weimarer Republik) because its constitution was established in the German city of Weimar.

How was music affected by politics during the period of the Weimar Republic?

There was a large scale suppression of art in the Weimer Republic after the Nazis came to power. Great artists like Bertold Brecht, jazz musicians, and another other type of music they felt were decadent were banned. Once the oppression of the arts began, creative artists, both Jew and Gentile, fled to other parts of Europe and the United States.

How did the Weimar Republic survive from 1919 to 1924?

Until Germany was hit by the effects of the Great Depression, the Republic had on balance more support within Germany than the anti-democratic forces, though the latter were very vocal. Moreover, despite hyperflation in 1922-23 and a short, painful period of stablization (1923-24) the country participated in the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties. Please also see the Related Questions.

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During the period of the Roman Republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the republic. During the period of absolute rule by emperors this office only had a symbolic value.

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What was the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar Republic was established in 1919. It was the German Government between WW1 and WW2. it faced many problems from extremists, power in the Reichstag and the economy. Reparations led to hyperinflation which was later resolved by the Dawes Plan.

Is there such thing as a 10000 German deutsche mark coin?

No. However there were many high-denomination bills printed during the hyperinflation period of the Weimar Republic, 1922-23.

What was the name of the German republic before World War I?

There was no German republic till November 1918. The new republic created just after World War 1 is widely called the Weimar Republic, but that is a nickname. Its official name was still Deutsches Reich. (If you find this hard to believe, look at German stamps from the period 1919-1933. You don't need to be a collector - there are plenty shown on ebay).

How much is 100000 German mark worth in us dollars?

A bill of that denomination dates from the hyperinflation period of the Weimar Republic. It can't be exchanged for modern currency. Depending on its condition and date of issue it may be worth a couple of dollars.

Name German Government 1930?

In 1930 Germany was still known as the "German Empire" or "German Realm" (German- das deutsche Reich), though today the German government during the period from 1919 to the Nazi "forcible coordination" (Gleichschaltung) in 1933 is commonly called the "Weimar Republic" (German- Weimarer Republik) because its constitution was established in the German city of Weimar.

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Before the Third Reich, and before the Weimar period, Germany was ruled by Monarchs known as German Emperors. Wilhelm II was the last German Monarch who was abdicated and put into exile. Once the Monarchy was abolished, the Weimar period began and the leaders were then known as Chancellors.

How was music affected by politics during the period of the Weimar Republic?

There was a large scale suppression of art in the Weimer Republic after the Nazis came to power. Great artists like Bertold Brecht, jazz musicians, and another other type of music they felt were decadent were banned. Once the oppression of the arts began, creative artists, both Jew and Gentile, fled to other parts of Europe and the United States.

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How did the Weimar Republic survive from 1919 to 1924?

Until Germany was hit by the effects of the Great Depression, the Republic had on balance more support within Germany than the anti-democratic forces, though the latter were very vocal. Moreover, despite hyperflation in 1922-23 and a short, painful period of stablization (1923-24) the country participated in the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties. Please also see the Related Questions.

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Although there were many polarizing forces during the Third Republic, it was also highly successful as well. During this period, France's colonial possessions grew. It didn't end until the beginnings of World War II, and the Vichy government of France came to power.