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The Persian Empire was a massive empire where peoples under Persian governance had numerous different major religions, such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, the Hellenic Pantheon, the Levantine Pantheon, the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon, and the Mesopotamian Pantheon. By contrast, all of the Greek city states believed in the same Hellenic Pantheon and so no tolerance of other religions was necessary for societal stability.

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The Persian Empire covered a vast array of different cultures, as opposed to the Greeks who were peoples who adopted Greek culture.

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Q: Why was the official policy of religious tolerance more crucial to the stability of the Persian Empire than it was to the Greek civilization?
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Why was an official policy of religious tolerance more crucial to the stability of the Persian Empire than to the Greek civilization?

In the Persian Empire, which was multi-ethnic and multi-religious, a policy of religious tolerance was necessary to maintain unity among diverse subjects. In contrast, Greek civilization was more culturally homogenous, with a shared religion and language, making religious tolerance less of a pressing issue for stability.

Why was an official policy of religious tolerance more crucial to the stability of the Persian Empire than it was to the Greek civilization?

The Greek world had a fairly uniform religion and set of gods. The Persian Empire, stretching from Egypt to central Asia, covered a wide variety of peoples and religions, and it was not the Persian policy to incite religious revolts when they were trying to establish a peaceful and prosperous empire.

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Elizabeth I, she made Great Britians official religion Catholic, but she let anybody practice any religion.

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Most of the early European settlers were various denominations of Christianity. The state has no official religion like all states of the USA.

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The separation of Church and State is clearly delineated in the US Constitution. The government is expressly barred from state sponsored religions requirements or creating an "official" religion of the nation. This safeguard has served to preserve religious expression and tolerance in the nation.

Did Colonial New York have religious tolerance?

Yes, Colonial New York had religious tolerance compared to other colonies of the time. It was a diverse society where different religious groups were allowed to practice their beliefs openly. The Dutch Reformed Church was the dominant religion, but other Christian denominations, as well as Jewish and Quaker communities, were also present.

True or false the colony of Rhode Island had a great amount of religious freedom?

Not by modern standards but for the time they were extrordinary.

What is mughals religeon?

The Mughals practiced Islam as their religion. Islam became the official religion of the Mughal Empire when Emperor Akbar ascended the throne in the 16th century. The Mughal rulers were known for their promotion of religious tolerance and cultural diversity within their empire.

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The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire.

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To promulgate empire.

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Religious Society of Friends

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It is called nihilism, or the belief that life itself is without meaning or purpose. edit: It is atheist that opposes official religious views, nihilism is to be without a belief.