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Q: Why was the mid Atlantic colonies considered the bread basket of the colonies?
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No,Poland is considered the bread basket of Europe.

What group of colonies were known as the bread basket?

the middle Colonies

What specific colony was the bread basket?

the colonie that was named the breadbasket of the colonies was the middle colonies

Why were the middle colonies known as bread basket?

they had a lot of wheat

Why were the middle colonies delaware new jersey new york pennsylvania called the bread basket of the american colonies?

Because they had the most bread out of all of the colonies

What geographical advantage helped the middle Colonies become the bread basket Colonies?

Fertile land.

Why were colonies were called the bread basket colonies?

They were growing food and wheat products. 90% of the people in the colonies were farmers.

What was traded in the middle colonies?

The middle colonies were called " bread basket" because they grew crops that were needed to make bread like wheat.

Why were the middle colonies called the bread basket?

Because the Middle Colonies were the ones to make the most food.

Was wheat main in middle colonies?

yes ,because of all the wheat they grew they made bread there nickname was the bread basket the middle colonies had exellent soil

Why were the middle colonies known as the bread basket of the colonies?

Because the liked yo eat baskets. Of bread.

What is bread basket?

it can be two things: 1......a basket you put bread in. 2......the part of the body between the bottom of the ribs. and probably the answer some social studies student is looking for. The area which produces a majority of the food for a country.