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Palestine, historic region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, was a strategic location for its fishing and trade.

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Q: Why was the location of israel strategic in ancient times?
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What was bigger ancient Israel or ancient Egypt?

Ancient Israel was significantly smaller than Ancient Egypt, but Ancient Israel was actually wider than Ancient Egypt was since the deserts on either side of the Nile River could not be easily cultivated.

The Roman Empire was able to dominate much of the civilized world of ancient times in part because of its favorable?

relative location

Which is the thing invented by beast slain in ancient times?

beast slain in ancient times

Did Israel conquer Palestine or did Palestine conquer Israel?

It is a difficult question to answer. If we review ancient history, Israel was there 5 thousand years go till about year 0. In early 20th century Israeli was mainly populated by tribes of Arab nations and Israeli settlers, and in 1948 the UN declared a two countries solution in Israel for the Jewish and the Palestinians. Therefore, Israel declared independence - followed up by war declaration from most of the Arab nations around Israel and the Arab tribes living in Israel - later be called Palestinians (by the name of the place - Palestine), Israel won the war while conquering a few areas in Israel. Another reference can be made to the name "Philistines" - which is an ancient word from the bible describing invader tribes from around Israel. Philistines in biblical Hebrew means invaders. Often times, the Palestinians are identified with the Philistines since the Roman Name "Palestine" was derived from the word "Philistine".

What are the similarities between Ancient Israel and modern Israel?

Gographically Israel in ancient times, at the height of its power, stretched well into what is now Jordan, had the whole Sinai peninsular, and much of the Lebanon. Geographically then, Israel is MUCH smaller, around a quarter of the size. Religiously Israel used to be governed under the rules layed down in the bible, and had such ancient laws as one might expect from a book written 3000 years ago (eg. polygamy, sexual inequality etc.) Now Israel is governed by laws influenced by Jewish morales, yet with a strictly modern and progressive attitude. Bear in mind the constitution is only 60 years old, and is a very modern country. Constitutionally Israel 2000 years ago was ruled by kings, with a Rabbinate council as his "advisory body" , and 'Judges' to enforce the law, who doubled up as prophets. Nowadays it is a modern democracy with a legal system based on that of the USA with elements of UK law

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Where was the Hebrew cilivization located?

The Hebrew Civilization was located in Israel.The Hebrew Civilization was located in Israel.

Where did the Hebrews and the Phoenicians settle?

They settled in the land that is today called "Israel", though in ancient times, the borders were quite different.

What was bigger ancient Israel or ancient Egypt?

Ancient Israel was significantly smaller than Ancient Egypt, but Ancient Israel was actually wider than Ancient Egypt was since the deserts on either side of the Nile River could not be easily cultivated.

What effect did the isolated location of Greece have on the country in ancient times?

it gave them food

Is the temple of Apollo a historic monument?

Yes, the Temple of Apollo is a historic monument located in ancient Delphi in Greece. It was a sacred site dedicated to the god Apollo and played a significant role in religious and political activities in ancient times. The temple is known for its strategic location on the slopes of Mount Parnassus and its iconic Doric architecture.

What is the hebrews politics?

In Ancient times, it was a theocratic monarchy. Today in Israel it is a Unitary semi-presidential parliamentary democracy.

Why did Israel hold religious significance to the Jewish people in ancient times and today?

Because they were the chosen people of God.

Where were the Hebraic Jews from?

All Jews are Hebraic, in that the Ancient Hebrews were the ancestors of Jews today. Tradition holds that the Jews came from Israel. Archaealogical evidence of Jews (known as Hebrews in ancient times) in Israel dates back 3600 years.

Do Jews have president or king or queen?

We used to have a monarchy in ancient times. Today, Judaism is not centralized, but Israel does have a president and a prime minister.The state of Israel is a 'Parliamentary Democracy' and has a 'Prime Minister' who serves as 'Head of State'.The current Prime Minister of Israel is Benjamin Netayahu.

What was the primary use of statistics in ancient times?

it is was use full for ancient time in relocate location,identifying and its is most important in daily life

What was Cyprus importance in the sixteenth century?

Cyprus had strategic importance as a possible base against Turkey. From ancient times it had been an important source of copper, so much so that the name of the island is the same word as "copper"